The Wrath of God Romans 1:16-25
Its Nature ‘For…’ = could be translated, ‘because’ and it connects us back to v.16,17 Just as God’s righteous is being revealed so is His wrath ‘wrath’ = a settled, controlled, swelling of just anger God’s holy reaction and revulsion to all that is evil Jer. 30:23; Nahum 1:2; 2 Thess. 1:5-10
Its Timing ‘ …the wrath of God is revealed…’ = is constantly being revealed ‘revealed’ = being uncovered, exposed, made known Sin reveals it which is the point from 1:18-3:20; (2:24,26; 5:16-18; 8:18-20) It is a past, present and future reality Prob. 24:12; Rom. 2:5-11; Heb.9:27; 2 Peter 3:1-10; Rev. 19:15