ESSA Consolidated Application NYSED will submit their State Plan to USDE September 2017. SEA’s are only required to submit assurances this year. NYSED cannot require LEAs to submit a Consolidated Application until NYSED’s State Plan is approved. SEA’s must collect assurances from LEAs and minimal programmatic and fiscal information. NYSED fiscal goal: appropriate distribution of funds between public and private schools
Grant Application Portals I have used (the Federal portal) for 10 years. I still call for help, a nice person answers, helps me, and all is ok. NYS GrantsGateway has been around for 4 years. Everytime I set up a new account with roles I have to call them. A nice person answers, helps me, and all is ok.
Application Assurances – Click “Yes”. Transferability – Click “No”, unless you use it. All Red * must be answered. Do you intend to apply for funds for Title I and the same for Title II – Click “Yes”. Disclaimer NYSED has not completed their State Plan – things may change. Today NYSED begins their statewide briefings, new information may come out that we are not aware of or interpretations may be clarified. Districts have traditional uses, that have not been clarified in the NYS State Plan
Consultation with Constituent Groups Same, except you don’t need signatures
Consultation and Collaboration (continued)
Consultation with Private Schools Includes private schools that aren’t physically in your district but students from within your district boundaries attend. Has not changed. Requires signature that is uploaded.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Contact your DSS for the name of your homeless liaison if you don’t have it. Only required set-aside for LEAs in good standing, approximately $500 - $1,500 dependent on number, can be carried over. Select services provided Number homeless
McKinney-Vento Homeless (Continued)
Accountability – Focus Schools 5-15% Set Aside for activities related to DCIP or SCEP, identify in Budget Narrative also. 1% set-aside for Parent Education 1% set-aside for Parent Engagement Parent Complaint Process School choice – exempt if you only have one school per grade level – but need to explain this Parent notification letter, annual requirement. To include why, what steps you are taking to improve, how your are helping, and how parents can receive further information. No school choice then must provide how students can receive additional help – afterschool tutors or programs, in school supports, etc.
Title II ESSA Increased focus on principal and teacher leadership development to include pathways. Classroom reduction still allowed (Federally). Recruitment and retention activities allowed. Must use evidence-based activities. Support Teacher, Principal, and other school leader preparation activities, residencies, academies, and alternate routes. Supports mentorship programs Professional Development
Title IIA Funding Activities – may just be a data collection tool, click off as best you can with the information you have available. Use the same proportionality as with Title IA for private school allocations. Reserve for districts with less than 100% highly-qualified teachers appears to be gone. Legislation allows fund to be spent on professional development of all staff not just core teachers.
Title III Less than 10,000 apply as a consortium For districts above $10,000 who stopped applying for Title III because of the burdensome requirements, it appears they have lightened. Use same proportionality for private school determinations.
FS-10 / Budget Narrative Make life easy for you and your business office – use Salaries to take account for all the funds after set asides, private school funds, and reserves. Apply carryover using FS-10A after the FS-25 is completed. Limited to 15% of allocation (unless you are under 50K) Must be spent the year you carry it over to. Can apply for a waiver with written request
Submission Must be done on the via the Superintendents account Only hardcopy mailed are original and two copies of each FS-10 by August 31, 2017.
Questions and Assistance Questions about the 2017-2018 LEA Application for ESSA- Funded Programs can be directed to the Title I School and Community Services Office at 518-473-0295 or via email at Assistance or 585-200-2568. Allocations and Child Counts: Portal application