Information Technology (IT) New Hire Training
The IT Department Cara Black Kelly Mihalik Holly Landauer Brian Wherry
Connecting to the AA network 99% wireless AA-Student and AA-Faculty Same except for emergencies AA-Library Only gives access to AA eLibrary and Kindles connect to this AA-Guest SmartPhone, tablet, ipad connection Do not give students any wireless keys
Email (email IT Team email, not individual) Phone (emergencies) How to request help Help Desk Entire IT team is notified; gets assigned to IT member Easily trackable and you receive updates Email (email IT Team email, not individual) Phone (emergencies)
Changing your password Backups Your laptop Personalization Backgrounds iTunes Taking home What is on your desktop? Network shortcuts Changing your password Backups Local hard drive and desktop NOT backed up Remember to Shutdown and the end of the day and before you come to school.
Microsoft Outlook – the basics Email Microsoft Outlook – the basics Looking up users Junk mail Creating folders Calendar Contacts/People Great tips Access from anywhere Email on smartphone and tablet
OneDrive Office 365 “THINKLINK” Setting up OneDrive Saving and syncing* Microsoft Office Suite OneNote Accessing 365 from any device * Personal photos, videos, music can cause synching issues and delays due to size
Server Folders Shared Staff AA-Media Must use VPN to access away from school
Remote access to AA VPN Set up VPN Printing from home Shared Staff
UCA Client – check voicemail and chat Phones Staff Directory AA website Desk phone Outlook global address book UCA Client – check voicemail and chat Change login automatically and DND settings Voicemail sent to email 24 hours a day Teacher phones forwarded to voicemail for all outside calls during school hours Do not change login pins…no need to ever log out and subs need to be able to use phones
Printers Printer locations Copies Color printing vs black & white costs SecurePrint Copy codes
SMART interactive projector and Doc Cameras Kelly Mihalik – certified SMART trainer Document cameras use software on your computer to connect
Lightspeed Sound Systems Using in the classroom Neck microphone Handheld microphone Benefits to using Connecting computer for audio
Internet Filtering and Level 2 Sites DCSD filters internet YouTube blocked Unblocking sites Do not share password with students Do not unblock sites on student computers Subs do not have access to Level 2 sites Download and save YouTube videos for subs
One-to-One computer for grades 5-8 Computer groups One-to-One computer for grades 5-8 Students required to bring daily Charge every night No “loaners” provided if student forgets – teacher has a penalty (incomplete on homework; miss recess; etc) Groups of 28 laptops on carts available for K-4 One iPad group available for Kindergarten One iPad group available for Ability Groups No BYOD allowed – must use school-provided devices (except for Kindles – they are allowed) Computer labs at each campus also available for checkout
Computer reservations Use Outlook Calendar to reserve rooms and computer groups Add a shared calendar Reserve for particular time – do not do all day reservations (others can use in your “down” time)
Student usernames follow IC naming conventions Passwords Student Logins Student usernames follow IC naming conventions Last name, first initial, middle initial Passwords K-3: 123 4-8: student number (six digits) also used for hot lunch and library checkout Generic Login PARKER Username: s Password: 123 CASTLE PINES username: aa password: 123
Lanschool What is it? Why you would use it
Items we will cover during PD Software in use at the school File Management Emailing assignments Questions?