The Basket Makers 1500 B.C. Basket Makers live in Colorado Hunters- wooden clubs, hunting sticks Atlatl- device that helped them to throw sticks with great force Houses- caves and rock overhangs Clothing- fur & skin of animals, turkey feather robes, plant fiber sandals
Moved to mesas- flat top mountains Kivas- underground pits lined with stone, used for storing grain Specialty- making baskets Coiled or braided plant fibers and grasses Covered them with clay Baked until hardened Growing population- more knowledge Began farming- bean crops Turkeys caught and raised on farms- easy meals Shift from basket making to pottery making
The Cliff Dwellers Anasazi- “the ancient ones” A.D. 900-1130 Southwestern Colorado Agriculture- corn, squash, beans, Built reservoirs to water crops Pueblos- villages located on the sides of mountains Mysteriously abandoned villages between 1150-1450 became nomadic hunters Mesa Verde National Park 217 rooms, 23 kivas
People from the “Land of the Sun” Ute- 2/3 of Colorado was their home until 1868 Wickiups- pole-framed shelters that were usually covered with matting from bark Women gathered- seed grasses, berries, roots, fruits and greens Men hunted- deer, buffalo, elk, rabbits Whole tribe- collect pinecones from pinon pine trees, nuts main part of their diet 1540s – obtained horses and livestock Raid or trade with other tribes Protect themselves
The Arapaho Came to Colorado from the Red River in Canada Fierce fighters Live in buffalo skin tepees Men- deerskin, breechcloth, robe and moccasins Women- dresses and moccasins Used a flat pipe for religious ceremonies Kept hidden except for ceremonies Pray for health or abundant food supply