Jeopardy Statistics and Numbers: Kristallnacht Laws and Practices against Jews Propaganda Techniques Vocabulary Facts and Details: Kristallnacht $100 $200 $400 $800
Statistics and Numbers: Kristallnacht for $100 The approximate number of people that died during Kristallnacht
What is 100?
Statistics and Numbers: Kristallnacht for $200 The number of Jewish Synagogues, shops, and homes that were destroyed.
What is 1600?
Statistics and Numbers: Kristallnacht for $400 The number of Jewish men deported to concentration camps after Kristallnacht.
What is 30,000?
Statistics and Numbers: Kristallnacht for $800 The year during which Kristallnacht took place.
(Specifically November 9-10th) What is 1938? (Specifically November 9-10th)
Laws and Practices against Jews for $100 These laws, passed in 1935, deprived Jews of Reich citizenship and prohibited marital or sexual relations with persons of “German or related blood”.
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
Laws and Practices against Jews for $200 The reasons why Germans had so little reason to hate Jews.
They were less than 1% of the population Or They had fought for Germany in WWI They had begun to marry non-Jewish German citizens and were fairly integrated
Laws and Practices against Jews for $400 The kind of places Jews were barred from.
Public Places
Laws and Practices against Jews for $800 Jewish people were forced to wear these at all times.
What are yellow stars (specifically the Star of David with the word “Jude” in the middle).
Propaganda Techniques for $100 My name is Lebron James, and I think you should drink Sprite.
What is testimonial?
Propaganda Techniques for $200 Miss Iatarola is a teacher, which means she is a grammar snob
What is a sweeping generalization? (Or Stereotyping)
Propaganda Techniques for $400 Miss Iatarola reads books. Would you trust a “book-person” with your tax dollars?
What is a red herring?
Propaganda Techniques for $800 How will Miss Iatarola stop global warming? By STOPPING global warming!
What is a circular argument?
Vocabulary for $100 A feeling of loyalty and pride in one’s country, often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries
What is nationalism?
Vocabulary for $200 the practice of limiting access to information, ideas or books in order to prevent knowledge or freedom of thought.
What is censorship?
Vocabulary for $400 The separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to social intercourse, by separate educational facilities, or by other discriminatory means
What is segregation?
Vocabulary for $800 The Nazi minister of propaganda during Hitler’s regime. He is responsible for planning and executing marketing techniques that demonized the Jewish people in the eyes of the Nazi German populace.
Who is Joseph Goebbels?
Facts and Details: Kristallnacht for $100 Kristallnacht officially began this historical event.
What is the Holocaust?
Facts and Details: Kristallnacht for $200 This is how most other western democracies changed their immigration policies after Kristallnacht.
What is doing nothing to change their immigration policies?
Facts and Details: Kristallnacht for $400 This is what “caused” Kristallnacht to occur.
What is the assassination of a German diplomat at the German embassy in Paris by an angry Jewish teenager.
Facts and Details: Kristallnacht for $800 These were the instructions given to the Nazi Units on how to carry out Kristallnacht.
What is: Do not wear your uniform, do not harm Jewish citizens, do not loot or steal from any establishment.