c.1220 BCE Israel crosses the Jordan and establishes itself as an independent nation, no longer nomads or slaves or displaced persons. (c.1000, King David) 722 BCE, the northern half of the nation (called Israel) falls to Assyria: 2 Kings 17:22-24 (500 years). The people are effectively assimilated and disappear from history. 587 BCE The southern half (called Judah) is carried off in exile to Babylon: 2 Chronicles 36:19-21 (135 years)
Babylonian policy: destroy conquered lands, disperse people throughout rest of Babylonian Empire leave least effective natives in place move in other conquered peoples Creates chaos: economic, agricultural, social, and relational destruction as well as political. But the Jews of Judah survived.
•Strong Jewish community formed in Babylon •Strong Jewish community formed in Babylon. (Jeremiah 28, know the plans I have for you.) •Strong Jewish leaders ascend to positions of responsibility: Daniel (lion’s den, men in the furnace, etc), Esther (queen, for such a time a this). •Is when most of OT written down. Had been oral tradition. With the Temple gone, they needed to preserve what they could of their faith.
536 BCE After 51 years in total captivity, Persia conquered Babylon and allowed a few Jews to return to their homeland. 460 BCE 76 years after that, Ezra returned with greater numbers to rebuild Temple (contemporary of Haggai). 450 BCE 10 later, Nehemiah returned, to rebuild City. (137 years total since exile began)
Nehemiah has been part of the exiled Jewish community all of his life Nehemiah has been part of the exiled Jewish community all of his life. He has grown up hearing the great stories about life in the Old Country, in the good old days. I Kings 5-8 records minute details about the Temple. This community knew what had been lost!
Psalm 137:1-6 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land? If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.
How many nights do you think the fireside stories began with “if only” How many nights do you think the fireside stories began with “if only”...? •If only...we were back in Jerusalem, had done it differently, made wiser alliances, listened to God’s warnings. •If only...Babylon was more compassionate, less destructive, had missed us in their power march.
“If only. ” Dangerous words “If only.” Dangerous words!! •Daily decisions: How many days would have gone better if only we had done or not done something different? •Big decisions: career choices, marriage, children, lifestyle, location, money. •Serious: If only...I’d paid attention to him sooner, asked her to drive instead of biking in the rain, left 2 minutes later so I hit the intersection after that drunk driver went through. (Jerry Sittser)
Our “if onlys” are crippling if we do not face them through the lens of the grace and redemption of God. Nehemiah gives us one model for a realistic response to the past. Nehemiah 1:
“These are the words of Nehemiah “These are the words of Nehemiah. … (One of my brothers came from Judah) and I asked him and the other men about the Jews who were left alive in Judah. They had returned from Babylon. I also asked him about Jerusalem. He and the men with him said to me, “Some of the people who returned are still alive. They are back in the land of Judah. But they are having a hard time. They are ashamed. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down. Its gates have been burned with fire.”
When I heard about these things, I sat down and wept When I heard about these things, I sat down and wept. For several days I was very sad. I didn’t eat any food. And I prayed to the God of heaven. I said, “Lord, you are the God of heaven. You are a great and wonderful God. You keep the covenant you made with those who love you and obey your commandments. You show them your love. Please pay careful attention to my prayer. See how your people are suffering. Please listen to me. I’m praying to you day and night.
I’m praying for the people of Israel I’m praying for the people of Israel. We Israelites have committed sins against you. All of us admit it. I and my family have also sinned against you. We’ve done some very evil things. We haven’t obeyed the commands, rules and laws you gave your servant Moses. Remember what you told him. You said, ‘If you people are not faithful, I will scatter you among the nations. But if you return to me, I will bring you back.
If you obey my commands, I will gather you together again If you obey my commands, I will gather you together again. I will bring you back from the farthest places on earth. I will bring you to the special place where I have chosen to put my Name. Lord, they are your people. They serve you. You used your great strength and mighty hand to set them free from Egypt. Lord, please pay careful attention to my prayer. Listen to the prayers of all of us. We take delight in bringing honor to your name. Give me success today when I bring my request to King Artaxerxes.”
1. Fully acknowledge our losses, and the very real pain involved. We live in a broken world. When ever we brush up against jagged edges, we experience suffering. •Broken creation: sickness, death. •Broken people: impact of our choices. We sin. •Broken people: impact of choices other people make. We are sinned against.
Take realistic responsibility for our part in our suffering. Not too much. Life is actually hard, and there are many things we cannot influence. Not too little. Honest, humble awareness will take us a long way towards redemption.
Affirm the character of God as the context for our hope. “You are the God of heaven. You are a great and wonderful God. You keep the covenant you made with those who love you and obey your commandments. You show them your love. … you obey my commands, I will gather you together again. I will bring you back from the farthest places on earth.”
4. Do the next right thing. Nehemiah is compelled to act, but he prepares very carefully and prayerfully. He enlists support and gathers a team. He does the very hard work of building from rubble. He celebrates who IS there, and what they CAN accomplish.