Gambella regional State, Ethiopia
Rural water supply
Background The region allocate at western part of the country bounder with west part of Oromia, north part of south region and bounder with south Sudan. The region has three admiration zone,1 nuer zone 2 Anuak zone 3 Majang zone and five nation and nationality which speak difference language total population 400,000
Gambella road for water management The region is rich of resource but it has problem every year because of flooding In this year need to construct pond along the read for water Harvesting Plantation of tree along the read Constructed of check dam around: Barger watershed in Lare Woreda, Kiebor watershed in Itang Special Woreda , Adura watershed in Makuey woreda , Alwero watershed in abobo Abobo.
National park
Land cover
Spring development
Risk of flooding