Few people know this about penguins


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Presentation transcript:

Few people know this about penguins . . . . There are in penguin colonies those who are among the most revered . . . It can be a mother who brings many new ones into their frozen world . . . It can be the leader of the colony, who has led with wisdom and tolerance And when these special penguins pass on, the colony together, using their flukes repeatedly, dig a hole in a soft spot in the ice They bury the revered one, gather around to pay homage,

And they sing . . . Freeze a jolly good fellow, freeze a jolly good fellow . . . !

Let’s start with a few premises: This is YOUR workshop All questions are good questions We are all here to learn from each other The best AIA sessions have been where lively conversations take place!

So . . . What is Assessment? The informal and formal gathering of student data to assess student learning. “Classroom Assessment helps individual college teachers obtain useful feedback on what, how much, and how well their students are learning” (Angelo & Cross, 1998)

Partner Prediction: Predict the relationship between assessment and student learning in the classroom. “The research reported here shows conclusively that . . . assessment does improve learning.” “The gains in achievement appear to be quite considerable . . . among the largest ever reported for educational interventions.” (Black, P., William, D.,1998)

Why Assessment? Marzano, R.M. (2006)

Assessment in Action CATS Workshop Formative Cooperative Learning Communication Cooperative Learning CATS Workshop

Assessment, Continued FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Used before or while instruction is occurring Information gathered by teacher to inform instruction SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Information gathered at the end of “an instructional episode”(Marzano, 2010) for purpose of judging outcome

Formative Assessments Brainstorm in Small Groups and Share out (talking tokens)

Formative vs. Summative (in the classroom) Formative Assessments Questions (no hands, teacher randomly calls on students) Item Analysis (after homework grading, quizzes, etc.) Clickers (periodically after key points in presentations) Homework (if teacher uses to assess whether students learned the objective) Quizzes Mini-whiteboards Pretests Scanning the class to assess comprehension (Radar!) Discussion board responses Note sheets incorporating periodic comprehension checks Summative Assessments End of unit tests Mid-Term and final exams State and national tests Accreditation tests

Which is More Powerful – Formative or Summative? In Black and Williams (1998) meta-analysis of some 250 studies . . . The most powerful feedback/assessment strategy is FORMATIVE And it is at it’s strongest when it informs the teacher and the student.

Obtrusive vs. Unobtrusive Formative Assessment Obtrusive Unobtrusive (Marzano, et. al., 2013)

Formative Assessment – A Brain Tickler! Partner Prediction: What is obtrusive formative assessment? Obtrusive Assessment = interruption of the flow of intruction

Obtrusive Assessment Purposeful interruption of flow of instruction Paper-and-pencil test or quiz Demonstration (teacher or student) Oral report (student) Constructed conversation Presentation (teacher or student) Use of mini-whiteboards Note-taking interruption with task (e.g. Cornell Notes) In-class item analysis Use of clickers in Ppt presentations

Unobtrusive Assessment Does not interrupt flow of instruction Teacher observation Use of proximity Guided questions during group work Observation of individual student or student interactions in groups, with feedback Importance of teacher circulation

Teaching Assessment Tip – Circulate! Mix Pair Share: Why circulate? Break the plane Full access required Engage while circulating Move systematically but unpredictably Position for power Lemov, D. (2009) Bottom line about circulation Necessary component of unobtrusive assessment Effective classroom management tool

Assessment & FEEDBACK Formative vs. Summative Formative – Used while instruction is occurring to INFORM instruction Informal: Body language, eye contact, questions More formal Homework Quizzes Exams Summative – unit, semester, end of year Help to judge overall student success, curricular decisions

The EMCC Assessment Cycle

Communication – We Want You!**

General Abilities - Communication Gen Ed Abilities Assessment Fall 2016 Two General Areas Measured Vocal Delivery Physical Delivery Easy to Use Evaluation Form and Clear Rubrics developed by Communication Faculty Roselyn Turner and Cheri Hebert Can be done any time throughout the semester Did email more information Please Volunteer 1st Gen Ed Ability that will be in Cycle 3

Physical Delivery Communication Rubric

Vocal Delivery Communication Rubric

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SAAC Co-Chairs Becky Baranowski and Pete Turner Cooperative Learning SAAC Co-Chairs Becky Baranowski and Pete Turner

Comprehensive Assessment Tracking System (CATS)

Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 1. Faculty are more likely to change their teaching practices and strategies through the influence of their peers than through administrative dictum or externally imposed professional development (Huber, 2012; Reeves, 2008; Turner, 2013).

Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 2. Faculty (and leaders) who care about student learning have a persistent discomfort with the status quo (DuFour & DuFour, 2006; O’Banion, 2007; Wilson, 2010).

Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 3. Frequent formative assessment with feedback is one of the most viable, research-backed techniques to optimize student learning (Angelo & Cross, 1993; Black & William, 2008; Marzano, 2006)

Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 4. The Action Research Cycle, employed both formally and informally, is the most effective vehicle for implementing, assessing, and reforming instructional techniques to maximize student learning (Mertler, 2009; Mills, 2007; Reeves, 2008; Stringer, 2007; Turner, 2003) Plan Act Observe/ Assess Reflect

Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 5. Innovation What CATS is Features Navigation CATS Scan Five UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES 5. Innovation 5. Innovative faculty are a major vehicle for positive change on a community college campus when the innovative practice(s) can be shared (Shugart, 2011; Turner, 2013, Wilson, 2002).

Now let’s get to CATS! http://cats.estrellamountain.edu

CATS Scavenger Hunt Locate CATS page Log on Search for CATS submissions in your division Search the most recent CATS of the month winners Search for CATS that focus on online courses Rate and comment on two different CATS Completing the Cycle check list Creation of CATS

References Angelo, T.A. & Cross, K.P. (1998). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook for college teachers (2nd Ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Black, P., and William, D. (1998). Assessment and classroom learning. Assessment in Education, 5(1), 7-75. DuFour, R. & DuFour, R. (2006). Learning by doing: A handbook for professional learning communities at work. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Huber, M.T. (2008). The promise of faculty inquiry for teaching and learning basic skills. A Report from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: Strengthening Pre-Collegiate Education in Community Colleges. Retrieved from: http://eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED503130.pdf. Lemov, D. (2009). Teach like a champion: 49 techniques that put students on the path to college. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Marzano, R. (2006). Classroom assessment and grading that work. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Marzano, R.J. (2010). Formative assessment & standards-based grading. Bloomington, IA: Marzano Research Laboratory Marzano, R.J., Yanoski, D.C., Hoegh, J. K., Simms, J. A. (2013). Using Common Core Standards to enhance instruction and assessment. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research Laboratories. Mertler, C. (2009). Action research: Teachers as researchers in the classroom (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Mills, G.E. (2007). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. O'Banion, T. (2007). Leadership for learning. Community College Journal, 78(2), 45-47. Retrieved from Research Library. (Document ID: 1383351301). Ormiston, Meg (2011). Creating a digital-rich classroom: Teaching & learning in a Web 2.0 World. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Reeves, D. B. (2008). Reframing teacher leadership to improve your school. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Shugart, S. (2012). From an interview with Northcentral University Doctoral Candidate Peter Turner on July 18. Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Turner, P. (2013). Informal faculty leadership that transforms: Evidences and practices for the Learning College. Dissertation, Northcentral University. UMI # 3571494 Turner, R. (2003). A pragmatic approach to educating: Connecting problem-based learning to Service Learning. Dissertation, Capella University. UMI # 3068397 Wilson, C. (August 23, 2010). From a telephone interview conducted by Peter Turner, Doctoral candidate, Northcentral University; and Learning College Project Director at the League for Innovation in the Community College.