Welcome From Robots to Hurricanes: Using the Engineering Design Process in Elementary School Joann Archer-stem lab teacher, stenstrom elementary Lynda Roche-Kindergarten teacher, Stenstrom Elementary
Have you used the Engineering Design Process in your classroom? Challenges? Successes?
Goals of todays session The Engineering Design Process and classroom constraints Time Easily modified Standards Kids love to build KISS Cost Complete an Engineering Design Process lesson as it would be organized and implemented for second grade (with shorter time limits) Please work nicely with your group Suggestions on how to modify this lesson for other grade levels Other lesson ideas
Hurricane Stenstrom Let’s begin! Two part lesson Part 1: ask and imagine 1 hour Part 2: plan, create, improve 1 hour Let’s begin!
What observations about weather can you make from the pictures below? http://climatekids.nasa.gov/menu/technology/
Engineering Problem Create a building that can keep a bean bag on its “roof” during a “STEM Lab hurricane”
Ask Can you restate the engineering problem in the form of a question? What questions do you have?
What is a hurricane? Where do hurricanes form? http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/101-videos/hurricanes-101 Where do hurricanes form? What time of year do hurricanes form? Which hurricane was the biggest?
How are we going to make a hurricane in the STEM Lab? Wind Flooding Rain
What materials can I use? 6 Straws 6 index cards 6 popsicle sticks Tape Plastic floor
Can you show me an example?
Other questions you may have Are we working as a team or by ourselves? As a team with a partner Can we tape our building to the table? No but will have a “foundation” that you can take your building to that is able to move to the STEM lab hurricane area. How high do we have to make our building? As high as you can, but start small and add to it. Where does the bean bag go? At the top How does the bean bag stay on the building? It has to remain on the top by itself. Can we change our building after we create it? Yes it is called the IMPROVE part of the Engineering Design Process
Imagine Let’s practice! Using 4 straws and 6 inches of tape, make a structure that can hold a bean bag You have 15 minutes
Hurricane Stenstrom Part 2: Plan, Create, and Improve
Today’s Timeline 10 Review Ask and Imagine 10 Minutes to Plan 20 Minutes to Create 10 Minutes to Test 5 minutes to list Improvement ideas and wrap up
Engineering Problem Create a building that can keep a bean bag on its “roof” during a “STEM Lab hurricane”
Materials 6 Straws 6 Popsicles 6 index cards Tape 1 bean bag 1 floor
Hurricane Proof Score TOTAL 50 Hold the Bean Bag 10 Still standing after wind 10 Still standing after rain 10 Still standing after flood 10 12 inches high 10 TOTAL 50
Plan Draw and label the building you want to create. Your plan should have: A title A drawing of your building Materials labeled You have 10 minutes
Create Time to create your building! You have 20 minutes until the hurricane reaches the STEM Lab! When time is up, you will need to bring your building to the test area.
Test My score was __________________.
Improve I can improve my building by ______________________________.
Modifications For Other Grade Levels Ask K,1 – Show requirements with a model 4, 5 - Jigsaw sharing the requirements Imagine K,1 – Don’t use bean bag, practice taping 4,5 – Verbally brainstorm, more materials, give a height requirement Plan K,1 – No labels, use a white board 4, 5 – Give a rubric for having title, drawing, materials and don’t time them. They have to get a certain “grade” before gathering supplies Create K,1 – No points, use three little pigs instead of hurricane 3 – Unlimited supplies or less supplies 4, 5 – Students have a budget, larger height requirement, no index cards, adjust materials
Other Engineering Design Project Ideas EV3 Robots Thanksgiving parade Water cycle Learning to program in the practice in the imagine step Wedo LEGO kits Create an insect that can sense a predator Create a turkey that can get it’s food Engineering a plant Planning an exercise machine to use in space Creating a module for the International Space Station
Contact Information Joann_archer@scps.k12.fl.us Lynda_roche@scps.k12.fl.us