Centreville Elementary School Welcome to First Grade! Mrs. Emery Centreville Elementary School 2016 - 2017
Daily Schedule 8:40-9:00 Arrival and Morning Procedures 9:00-9:15 Calendar/Morning Meeting 9:15-10:15 Specials 10:15-11:30 Math 11:30-12:10 Social Studies/Science 12:10-12:40 Recess 12:45-1:15 Lunch 1:15 – 2:00 Whole-Group Reading and Language Arts (Includes Writing and Phonics) 2:00-3:00 Guided Reading Groups 3:00-3:20 Writing 3:20-3:30 Afternoon Procedures and Dismissal
Unified Arts Monday Media Tuesday Computer Lab Wednesday Art Thursday Music Friday P.E. For safety reasons, students are strongly discouraged from wearing flip-flops to school.
Maryland State Common Core Curriculum EnVisions Math Program emphasis on number sense and basic facts calendar math daily homework math mats
Integrated Reading and Language Arts Maryland State Common Core Curriculum McGraw Hill Phonics and Whole Language Patterned Spelling and High Frequency Words Individual and Small Group Supplemental Material Whole Group Instruction Modified Work Academic Centers
Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles Engineering Design Next Generation Science Standards Waves: Light and Sound Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles Engineering Design Energy and Matter
Social Studies Good Citizenship and School Rules, Bullying Johnny Appleseed Native Americans, Pilgrims, 1st Thanksgiving African American History Women’s History Holidays Around the World Presidents Chinese New Year American Symbols
Homework Homework Monday-Thursday Reading Log No more than 15 min. per night! Math is review Student Planner (initial every night please)
Communication Take-Home Folder Daily planner – initial each evening Voice mail messages Email-amy.emery@qacps.org Conferences – available upon request Parent conferences
Discipline Policy *Colored Chart *Cubby Paws Cash in for treasures on Friday *Colored Chart
PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System) School wide behavioral plan School wide incentives for following CES rules. Positive encouragement for good choices. CUB PAWS- Teachers will give out cub paws to students exhibiting good cubby behavior without being asked to do so. Classroom Reward Center with small prizes and coupons each Friday.
Celebrations! Halloween Party/Parade Winter Celebration Spring Fling Tentative!! Halloween Party/Parade Winter Celebration Spring Fling
Extras Notes – 2 copies for office and classroom Parent Volunteers Water Bottles & Snack Student Birthday Celebrations Student Planners (please initial each night) Field Trips- Coleman’s Farm October 17th
Together we can make this a successful year! Thank you for coming tonight. I appreciate your time and I am looking forward to a wonderful year!