Panel Questions
Panel Question What benchmarks are used for salary targets? eg. AAMC median
Panel Question How does your local market impact salaries? Does your institution have recruitment tools to adjust for market forces?
Panel Question How are each of the missions of clinical care, research, and education recognized and rewarded?
Panel Question How is a clinical FTE defined? How is protected research time funded? - How is the NIH salary cap for research intensive faculty handled? How is teaching rewarded?
Panel Question Are faculty able to calculate and alter, by choice of roles, their annual compensation?
Panel Question How is academic rank equity and gender neutrality ensured?
Panel Question What level of transparency should exist?
Panel Question What is the balance between salary and benefits?
Panel Question How is outside income managed? eg. medicolegal, honoraria, etc. Disclosure required? Departmental or institutional taxation? Able to direct funds to an academic account?
Panel Question Does the department have to be profitable to pay bonuses?
Panel Question How is your compensation planned revised?
Audience Questions