Handout 3: Setting up an event PowerPoint presentation Contribute to the organisation of an event Handout 3: Setting up an event
Recap on previous session Today’s objectives Recap on previous session Identify different room layouts and select the best for the event Identify all resources are in place pre event Identify the standards required to present the organisation in a positive way Recap on previous session, go through learning objectives of today.
Event type and objectives Number of delegates Room constraints Room layouts There a number of room layouts that you can select to best optimise your event. There are a number of factors that you need to consider when choosing your room layout, such as: Event type and objectives Number of delegates Room constraints Event delivery style Discuss the factors that learners need to consider when selecting a room layout.
U-shaped Give examples of room layout.
Boardroom Give examples of room layout.
Theatre Give examples of room layout.
Classroom Give examples of room layout.
Cabaret Give examples of room layout.
Dinner/dance Give examples of room layout.
Selecting the best layout What room layout would you choose for the following scenarios: Sales seminar with over 250 delegates AGM with 6 delegates A training session with 20 delegates? Group discussion
Getting it right on the day Before any event it is important to ensure that all resources have been identified and are available. What resources do you think we need to check? Group discussion
Getting it right on the day Break-out rooms Refreshments Lunch/dinner Delegate packs Health and safety Audio/visual equipment Stationery Recap on discussion to check understanding.
Manage your time effectively On the event day, there will be a lot happening quickly and it can be easy to lose track of your objectives. What could we do to ensure this doesn’t happen? Group discussion
Manage your time effectively Checklist Allowing enough time Have resources available the day before Plans in place for problems that could occur Recap on discussion to check understanding.
Project professionalism Its always important to represent your organisation in a positive manner. This is especially as important during an event. Some key things to remember: Appearance Tone of voice Choice of words Posture
First impression – 7 SECONDS! You are evaluated by everyone every day People look at your visual and behavioural appearance from head to toe. They even listen to your tone of voice. Demeanour, mannerisms, body language and even grooming are assessed. You make a lasting impression instantly. You may impress some and disenchant others.
Do’s and Don’ts Novelty tie Neatly trimmed, clean nails Mobile phone on Dark socks Limited aftershave Little or no jewellery Discreet belt Sportswear Visible tattoos Novelty socks Conservative tie Chewing gum Neat, professional hairstyle Baseball cap Portfolio or briefcase Clean, smart, professional shoes Personal stereo on Dirty shoes White or co-ordinating pale coloured long-sleeve shirt Visible body piercing Group activity, select what is a DO and what is a DON’T.
Do’s and Don’ts Mobile phone on Dirty shoes Light natural-looking make-up Matched light hosiery Visible tattoos Manicured nails Visible body piercing Jeans Personal stereo on Excessive jewellery Excessive make-up Visible underwear Hipster trousers Solid colour, conservative skirt or trouser suit Sportswear Coordinating blouse or skirt Neat professional hairstyle Conservative low-heeled shoes Chewing gum Low-cut tops Sandals or dirty shoes Portfolio or briefcase Limited perfume Simple jewellery Group activity, select what is a DO and what is a DON’T.
What would your impression be? Make a good impression What would your impression be? Group discussion, WHY?
What would your impression be? Make a good impression What would your impression be? Group discussion, WHY?
What would your impression be? Make a good impression What would your impression be? Group discussion, WHY?
What would your impression be? Make a good impression What would your impression be? Group discussion, WHY?
What would your impression be? Make a good impression What would your impression be? Discussion
Listening techniques When you are conversing with a customer, learn to tune out all distractions and focus totally on what your subject is saying As the customer speaks, concentrate on what the customer is saying (rather than thinking about how you want to respond). Otherwise, you will miss the fine points that could lead to more probing questions and more valuable information. Do not interrupt. People like to talk and do not like to be cut off. Once customers exhibit a willingness to talk, you should focus on the information they want to provide rather than trying to interject your own opinions, which may cause them to ‘clam up’. Do not just listen to their words. Also focus on the of tone, inflection and body language. These can be as telling as the words themselves, because they reveal how the customer feels. Make eye contract with the customer to show that you are paying attention. Add in group activity to demonstrate active listening techniques.
Organisational values and standards Values: Principles or standards of behaviour Standards: A level of quality or attainment
Organisational values and standards Organisations will have a set of values and standards because: They provide us with a framework of how we treat one another They provide us with a framework of how we treat our customers They help us make sense of our working life and how we fit into the bigger picture They provide us with a framework of the overall company vision, strategy and goals
Organisational values and standards What values standards does your organisation have? Complete group discussion.
Questions? Recap on learning outcomes. Complete Multiple choice questions 2.