Questions On Elders And Their Qualifications


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Presentation transcript:

Questions On Elders And Their Qualifications

1. How is a congregation to know if a man desires the office of an elder?

Talk to him!

Talk to him! Ask him!

Talk to him! Ask him! Encourage him!

2. Can a Christian introduce his own considerations in the selection and if so, how can we know they are appropriate?

Do we really trust God’s qualifications?

Do we really trust God’s qualifications? Are we smarter than He?

3. If a man has committed adultery, even if it has been 5, 10, 20 years ago, does this disqualify him from the position of elder?


Blameless Humble

Blameless Humble Forgiven

4. How much can a man be away in travel for his job before he is not qualified?


10% 25%

10% 25% Communications?

10% 25% Communications? Other elders?

5. I Peter 5:5 Could you give some examples of the elder’s submission to the younger?

But gives grace to the humble." 1 Peter 5:5 5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." NKJV

Serve God,

Serve God, the congregation

Serve God, the congregation and the things that are best for the young

Serve God, the congregation and the things that are best for the young before he serves himself.

6. Discuss the example of appointing “more elders” (Timothy at Ephesus) vs. appointing men where there had been none before?

You need as many men, and men as early as they are genuinely qualified and recognized as so in the congregation.

7. If an older elder’s wife dies, can he continue his service?

If his 2 outstanding 40 yr. old children are killed in an auto accident, is he disqualified then?

If his 2 outstanding 40 yr. old children are killed in an auto accident, is he disqualified then? I tell him to offer his resignation to the evangelist and other elders every six months and they determine if he abilities have changed.

8. Does “children” in the qualification of elders always mean two or more?

It would seem so! But…

There are “generalizing plurals” where the common situation is recognized without specifying the number

Gen 21:7 7 She also said, "Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? For I have borne him a son in his old age." NKJV

1 Tim 5:9-10 9 Do not let a widow under sixty years old be taken into the number, and not unless she has been the wife of one man, 10 well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, NKJV

Witnesses = general situation Plurality is specified as “at the mouth of two or three witnesses” The text does not say “having two or more” faithful children.

I have not appointed a “one child elder” unless the congregation has been comfortable with that.

9. What constitutes “faithful children”?

The text does not say “only faithful children” or “all of their children living faithfully”

Majority faithful

10. What is the threshold of support that a man must receive from the congregation in order to become an elder?

How knowledgeable is everyone? How many new converts?

How knowledgeable is everyone. How many new converts How knowledgeable is everyone? How many new converts? The consensuses of the knowledgeable!

11. One of the duties of an elder is to feed the flock 11. One of the duties of an elder is to feed the flock. What are the different ways to feed?

Teach himself Influence and control teaching Plan, Prepare, Learn & Guide Teaching

12. How can the elders know if the sheep are growing spiritually.


Observation Time together

Observation Time together Comparing their past with their present

Observation Time together Comparing their past with their present Discussing their hopes and goals spiritually

13. Is a man qualified whose wife is not 13. Is a man qualified whose wife is not? What does a wife have to do with a man’s qualifications?

What are your goals and hopes spiritually?

What are your goals and hopes spiritually What are your goals and hopes spiritually? Is it time to change your direction?