Linking Data Access And Display, Hands-on Exploratory Training, and Adaptations for Learners of Various Skills Bernie Connell and Erin Dagg (CIRA, USA) Adrian Trotman and Kathy-Ann Caesar (CIMH, Barbados) Marcial Garbanzo (UCR, Costa Rica) Diego Souza, (CPTEC, Brazil) 31 August 2017 CALMET BOM, Melbourne, Australia
Do Trainers and Forecasters require access to digital data? Recurring gaps over the past 20 years : Affordable access to real-time data Access to low cost software for both display and manipulation Training (on access, display, and interpretation) Particularly for Countries with limited resources
WMO Coordination Group on Satellite Data Requirements (SDR) for RA III and IV WMO Global Survey on the Use of Satellite Data in 2012 WMO Regional Associations III and IV endorsed the SDR Coordination Group (2013- 2014); Surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015 Note that there was a NOAA Satellite Conference in 2013. NOAA decided to place digital data on it’s GEONETCast-Americas broadcast.
Results from 2015 SDR User Survey 31 responses from institutions in 23 countries, from which 10 countries were from RA III (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay) and 13 countries from RA IV (Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago) “Satellite Data Requirements for RA III and RA IV Report on 2015 Survey”, WMO Space Programme Publication SP-11, 2016. Accessed 24 August, 2017. Do a survey?
Results from 2015 SDR User Survey “Satellite Data Requirements for RA III and RA IV Report on 2015 Survey”, WMO Space Programme Publication SP-11, 2016. Accessed 24 August, 2017.
Results from 2015 SDR User Survey USD $,$$$ - $$,$$$ $$$,$$$ “Satellite Data Requirements for RA III and RA IV Report on 2015 Survey”, WMO Space Programme Publication SP-11, 2016. Accessed 24 August, 2017.
Increased Motivation: New Satellites #1 #2 SERIES
Dilemmas for software (similar for data reception) Limited choices Comprehensive software requires skilled computer technicians and programmers to install and maintain, and are often expensive. $$$$$ Free software: $$ Simple: gets what is important most of the time AND/OR Comprehensive: requires skilled programmers and spin up user time Point 1: In a relative sense, there are
GEONETCast A global network of sustained and cost-effective satellite-based dissemination systems. A GEO work plan implementation, with infrastructure provided by major satellite operators: NOAA, EUMETSAT, CMA, and JMA. It is endorsed by WMO
Two Recent workshops Relevant Training Objectives To test the “flipped” and hands-on approaches to training/learning To use the McIDAS-V software to display and probe imagery and products from GOES-16/ ABI and JPSS/VIIRS Introduce python potential to create image displays Train the Trainer Workshop 15-16 July 2017 prior to the NOAA Satellite Conference AmeriGEOSS is part of GEO GEONETCast Workshop at the Americas Global Earth Observation System of Systems (AmeriGEOSS) Meeting 31 July – 4 August 2017
Adapt based on delivery at Satellite Data Training Exercises using McIDAS-V: Precipitation, Sea and land surface temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Detecting Dust and Volcanic Ash Template BRCCC Programme link: Center of Excellence CIMH, Barbados May 2016 McV Tutorials modeled after the McVCast guide developed by Hans Peter Roesli
What is the “Flipped” Approach? Traditional Approach Instructor presents materials Students/participants take notes Instructor assigns homework Instructor led learning Flipped Approach Instructor assigns reading materials and/or exercises Students/participants come to class to discuss exercises Instructor has limited time to offer additional materials Self guided and peer to peer learning
Workshop Pre-requisites + 3 years Remote Sensing Experience
Types of users (similar to types of data) Level 1: Academia, large organizations – utilize digital radiance data. Level 2: Academia, smaller organizations, forecast offices – want digital data (albedo and brightness temperature data ok) Level 3: Are satisfied with gif and jpeg type images I've been interacting with folks in Central and South America and the Caribbean for almost 20 years. Having low cost access to imagery and products and low cost ways to display and probe it have been a constant topic. In those 20 years, technology has greatly increased as well. I come from a satellite focused research organization and so fall into this level one data group If we didn't get it in the introductions, poll for the range of skills and experience. When I’m not working, but I want to look at the imagery to see if clouds are forming upstream over the mountains, and will that affect my afternoon activities, I fall in to Level 3 – I’m satisfied with using gif and jpeg images in an animation. What I’ve encountered most in forecast and hydrology offices is Level 2. They want digital data to generate information for a specific area and audience.
How does the “Flipped” approach fit in? Assists with retention of materials - helps to prevent forgetting “ The forgetting curve hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. This curve shows how information is lost over time when there is no attempt to retain it.[1] …A typical graph of the forgetting curve purports to show that humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously review the learned material.”
A method that supports ”Make it Stick” Learning requires a foundation of knowledge Hands-on applications strengthen knowledge retention. Learning is deeper and more durable when it requires effort.
Why McIDAS-V? Free software, relatively easy to install Reads in and displays multiple types of data and imagery Allows the user to: View layers, different projections and area coverage and query the data Perform calculations, manipulate and combine imagery, and add color tables and annotations Output values to a file, or jpg type files. Incorporate python for batch processing In a course, the labs are structured to build skills and confidence using Mcidas-V For repeated tasks, especially after they have become familiar, shortcuts can be created Encourages collaboration
Why McIDAS-V? Mcidas-v support forum Pro and Con: + It has a steep learning curve and a forgetting curve
Lab structure for different audiences Level 3 users and as an introduction to other level users: Use McIDAS-V command bundle to quickly demonstrate what can be viewed and what extra information can be gained from digital imagery. Level 2 and 1 users: Provide step by step instructions on how to load the imagery, where to find color tables, labels, and other features in the menus. For “advanced” users – show how to read other format files and more advanced instructions. We can’t possibly cover everything in these few days, so we’ve selected a few examples(although we would like to!) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI)
Relationships TtT workshop AmeriGEOSS workshop Instructors Instructors Erin (CIRA) Bernie (CIRA) Diego (Brazil) Participants Marcial (Costa Rica) Rosario (UCAR) Instructors Bernie (CIRA) Diego (Brazil) Marcial (Costa Rica) Rosario (UCAR)
Reality Mix of Participants: Meteorological Technicians, Students, Instructors, Researchers, Forecasters, Hydrologists, Statisticians, Environment Planners, Oceanographers 20% of participants reviewed the pre-course materials Adapt approach – start with quick bundles for everyone “faster” participants can work on step by step tutorials class collectively answers questions from the tutorials
Relationships TtT workshop AmeriGEOSS workshop Instructors Instructors Erin (CIRA) Bernie (CIRA) Diego (Brazil) Participants Marcial (Costa Rica) Rosario (UCAR) Instructors Bernie (CIRA) Diego (Brazil) Marcial (Costa Rica) Rosario (UCAR)
Adaptations Because of experience with Monthly Virtual Regional Focus Group Sessions, we were able to schedule 2 remote lectures with Diego using GoToWebinar Marcial set up to accommodate questions from the audience
Adaptations Group split on Thursday and Friday Python coding poll on the type of data user Group split on Thursday and Friday Python coding McIDAS-V tutorials
A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them. Steve Jobs We anticipate many new and exciting opportunities with the New Generation of Satellite Imagery!
Do Trainers and Forecasters require access to digital data Do Trainers and Forecasters require access to digital data? Can we do hands-on virtual trainings effectively? Do you have any experiences to share?
WMO Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Meteorology A worldwide collaborative network connecting training Centres of Excellence (CoEs) and Satellite Operators Mission: To improve the utilization of data and products from meteorological and environmental satellites.