NFHS RULES writing Process Questionnaire The first step in the rules writing process is the sport questionnaire. State Associations will determine coaches and officials that will take part in the questionnaire process, and will send a link to participants. Results from the sport questionnaire will be provided to the NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules Committee to supplement discussion on the proposed rules changes.
NFHS RULES writing process Rules Proposals Rules proposals may be submitted two ways: 1. State Association 2. NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules Committee
NFHS RULES writing process State Association Each State Association will determine who may submit rules proposals, and will provide a link to those individuals. The proposal will be submitted directly to the State Association. The State Association will determine which proposals will be approved and forwarded to the NFHS.
NFHS RULES writing process NFHS Swimming and Diving Committee Proposals may be submitted through a committee member. Each committee member represents a geographic area of the country called a “section”. A committee member representing your state may submit a rules proposal on your behalf.
NFHS RULES writing process Submitting a Rules Proposal The submission process is now online – there are no forms to complete. Information that will be needed to submit a rules proposal: change type – rule change, editorial, other rule number section number article number page number – current page number in book suggested change – underline all additions, strike through all deletions rationale – provide clear and concise rationale other rules affected – provide other rules that will be affected by a change
NFHS RULES writing process Once the deadline for submitting rules proposals has passed (February 15 annually), the proposals are placed on the agenda and sent to each state association. Committee members are asked to contact the states they represent for feedback on each proposal. Feedback is returned to the NFHS. It is compiled and made available to committee members as they deliberate the proposals.
NFHS RULES writing process The Rules Committee discusses each rules proposal and how a possible change would effect risk minimization, sound traditions of the sport, cost, fair play, adaptability, etc. Guests from NISCA, Our Kids Initiative, and the NCAA are involved in the discussion. The Rules Committee takes action on each rules proposal. Approved rules proposals are forwarded to the NFHS Rules Review Committee for their feedback. The rules proposals are then forwarded to NFHS Board of Directors for approval. Approved rules proposals become a rule change for upcoming school year.