Yang model for requesting Path Computation draft-busibel-teas-yang-path-computation-00 IETF 97 – Seoul Italo Busi (Huawei) Sergio Belotti (Nokia) Daniele Ceccarelli (Ericsson) Victor Lopez, Oscar Gonzales de Dios (Telefonica) Michael Scharf (Nokia) Anurag Sharma (Infinera) Yan Shi (China Unicom) Ricard Vilalta (CTTC) Karthik Sethuraman (NEC) IETF 97 @ Seoul, November 13-18, 2016
Status Initial draft presented at CCAMP WG in Berlin (IETF 96) draft-busibel-ccamp-path-computation-api-00 Updated to address comments received during IETF 96 Moved to TEAS WG Draft outline restructured Applicability to ABNO and ACTN architectures clarified Motivations for a YANG model added
Scope Use cases for supporting path computation request via YANG-based protocols (e.g., NETCONF or RESTCONF). Target interface is NBI of an SDN controller. ABNO control interface ACTN CMI and MPI OUTLINE Section 2 Use cases Section 3 Interaction with TE-Topology Section 4 Motivation for a Yang model Section 5 Path optimization request (ffs) Section 6 Yang model for path computation request
Use Cases Three use-cases are addressed in this version: IP-Optical Integration An optical domani is providing connectivity between IP routers Multi-domain TE Network TE (e.g., Optical) domains interconnected by multiple inter-domains links Data Center interconnection TE (e.g., Optical) domain is providing connectivity among data centers.
IP-Optical integration OPTICAL NW Optical NW CONTR0LLER IP NW ORCHESTRATOR Request a Path NETCONF/RESTCONF interface TE Topology: Abstract node
Interactions with TE Topology TE Topology is extending the TE Node «connectivity matrix» of RFC 7446 with specific TE attributes (e.g. delay, SRLGs, etc) From «virtual node» model to «virtual link» model Tradeoffs still to be considered when abstracting topology information Accuracy versus Scalability and up-to-date information Path Computation request allows requesting only the information that is needed and when it is needed Abstract Topology Information can be still used to reduce the number of Path Computation requests (improving scalability with large number of domains) Path computation request and TE topology model are complementary tools
Motivation for Yang model (1) Common data model Path computation request should be closely aligned with Yang data models providing abstract TE topology information and TE tunnel configuration and management Same end-point ID Path computation constraints based on same data model
Motivation for Yang model (2) Single Interface Simple authentication and authorization E.g. avoid different security mechanism per interface (different credential, keys) Consistency Keeping data consistent over different interface not trivial Testing Middle-box friendliness Complex environment scenario with also middle-box such firewall, load balancers etc. Single protocol easier to deploy Tooling reuse Leveraging rapidly growing eco-system for Yang ttooling (tools, libraries)
Motivation for Yang model (3) Extensibility Yang language to cover other typical important functionality like path computation in a seamless way Service configuration Notification for topology changes and alarm integration Performance management (data telemetry and monitoring) OAM QoS configuration
Yang model Te-tunnel model already provides a statetful solution based on «compute-only» te-tunnel Discussion have been hold in mailing list and in the te-tunnel weekly to elaborate pro and cons related RPC stateless vs. compute-only The need for stateless solution have been recognized A Yang model proposal for a stateless RPC is available on: https://github.com/rvilalta/ietf-te-path-computation Plan to be added to the 01 version Stateless RPC and compute-only te-tunnels are «complementary» solutions.
Stateless RPC Pro A simple atomic operation is a natural choice expecially with a stateless PCE No need for persistent storage of state No need for garbage collection (no states to be deleted) Cons RPC response must be provided synchronously If collaborative computations are time consuming, it may not be possibe to immediate reply to client Possible solutions to this problem still under investigation/discussion Stateless operation without garantee that returned path is still available when path setup is requested
Compute-only te-tunnel Pro Support asychronous operation Simple to model in the context of te-tunnel Allow notifying client on changes of the computed path Cons Several messages required for any path computation Requires persistent storage in the provider controller Need for garbage collection for stranded paths Process burden to detect changes on the computed paths in order to provide notifications update Notifications may not be reliable nor develivered on time Mitigate but does not solve the issue that the computed path may not be available at the setup time
Next Steps Seeking comments and feedbacks from interested WGs to improve document avoid duplicated information with existing RFCs or other Internet-Drafts on going discussions about compute-and-delete te tunnel and te-tunnel actions Yang solution for stateless RPC integration into te-tunnel model? Complete with path optimization
IP+Optical: Path Computation Example Cost= 50 Cost= 10 Cost= 10 VP1 VP4 R2 R1 VP5 VP2 Cost= 5 Cost= 5 Cost= 55 Orchestrator got «abstracted view» of physical resources (no optical path cost feasibility) Orchestrator can ask DC for a «set of potential optimal path» based on optical constraints Orchestrator select one based on its own constraints, policy and specific topology parameter (e.g. access link cost)
Data center interconnections Virtual machine in DC1 needs to transfer data to another virtual machine (in DC2 or DC3) Optimal decision based on optical cost (DC1-DC2 or DC1-DC3) and computing power Cloud orchestrator use path computation request to Optical domain to compute the cost of feasible optical paths and to DC controller to compute the cost of computing power, and then take the decision.
Multi-domain Optical Networks: (many domains) Complementary use of TE topology and path computation Abstract topology information provided by domain controllers limiting the number of potential optimal e2e paths Path computation API to find optimal path within limited set.