Light Vocabulary Grab the sheet from the front. Think about the following question: If a room was pitch black, with no light at all, could you see? Why or why not?
Visible Light The wave energy we can see Made of many colors Light waves travel in straight lines
Radiant Energy Energy given off by the sun Travels in waves Another name for light energy
Absorb When light waves enter a substance and change into other forms of energy. Darker colors absorb more light
Reflect When light waves bounce off something else
Refract When light waves bend Light waves are refracted as they pass through water.
Scattering When a wave is spread or deflected different directions by collisions with particles of the medium.
Spectrum White light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow.
ROY G BIV The colors of the rainbow Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet Red has the longest wavelengths (bend the least) Violet has the shortest wavelengths (bend the most)
Prism A piece of glass or plastic that bends light waves
Opaque An object that does not allow light waves to pass through it You cannot see through these objects
Translucent An object that allows a few light waves to pass through it You can almost see through these objects.
Transparent An object that allows light waves to pass through You can see through these objects
You are riding in the car after a rainstorm and see a rainbow. Directions: Match each scenario and image with the correct term. Use the following terms: Dispersion, Reflection, Refraction, and Scattering You go to the fair and see yourself in a mirror that makes you look shorter than you are. You go to the park and see pennies in the fountain and they look larger than they really are. You are at the pool with your friends and you notice that you can see yourself in their sunglasses. You are riding in the car after a rainstorm and see a rainbow.
Directions: Match each scenario and image with the correct term Directions: Match each scenario and image with the correct term. Use the following terms: Reflection, Refraction, and Scattering
Today we will be going to the downstairs computer lab Today we will be going to the downstairs computer lab. Grab the sheet from the front and begin reading over it. Read Light with Max Show: Light, Sciecne SimulatiAxiom; Discovery Ed - Whaddya Know Game on: Light, How to Light Up a room exploration - BYOD
Please find your Bill Nye Sheet and your Max Axiom sheet. Today we will be watching Bill Nye: Lights and Colors and then spending the other half of class finishing our assignments from yesterday.
You will need a pencil and your science notebook. Today we will be completing light experiments to show what we have learned this unit. You will need a pencil and your science notebook. Write your name on the top of it. Think-Pair-Share with a neighbor on the important vocab words this unit and what they mean. Also, recall proper lab behavior. Quiz Tomorrow on Light.
Light Quiz today! Get in groups of 4 for todays game. Come up with a team name – catch: it has to do with light Clear everything off the desks You need one whiteboard and one marker per group