First Travelling of light in straight lines Activity 1 To prove that light travels in straight lines.
Formation of images through narrow holes. Formation of shadow. As a result of travelling of light in straight lines ,some phenomena happen as : Formation of images through narrow holes. Formation of shadow.
Formation of images through narrow holes Activity 2 To prove that formation of images through narrow holes is due to travelling of light in straight lines.
2-Formation of shadow:- Activity 3 To prove that shadow is formed as a result of travelling of light in straight lines.
WORK SHEET Complete the statement :- The idea of the camera depends in ………………. The object s image that is formed through narrow hole is ……………………and …………… Formation of ………………. Through narrow holes and formation of ……………… are from application of travelling light in straight lines . Light travel in …………………..lines. ………………………….is a darkened area that is formed when light falls on an opaque object.
/ /2014 light First :- Travelling of light in Straight lines. As a result of that ,some phenomena happen as:- Formation of images through narrow holes. Formation of shadow. H . W:- What are the application of travelling light in straight lines.