** 5th Grade ** Week of: October 11, 2016 1st 9 Weeks closes Friday 10/14 Fire Prevention Week is this week KC Club starts Thursday Oct. 13th. Students tested today on Division, including dividing a decimal by a whole number. Scores for the test also went home today. Friday we begin the wonderful world of fractions, that will carry us through November. (TEKS 5.3C, 5.3F, 5.3G, 5.4D) Characters, analyzing their traits, motives, conflicts, POV, and relationships, including the changes they undergo in a story. 5.6 (B), 5 Fig 19 (A) (B)(C) We are describing the differences between climate and weather. Next week, we will watch the Disney movie, Chimpanzee, as we observe the way organisms in the African Rainforest live and survive. We will identify the different food chains and food webs found there and study the rainforest climate and weather. TEKS 5.9A,B We have begun our unit on government. We’re tackling the purpose of rules & government in a civilized society. TEKS: 15, 16 We are reviewing nouns in preparation for our quiz Monday. Basic nouns are the beginning of our unit on parts of speech. TEKS: 20 Be the One T-Shirts can be ordered online through School Pay.