Collaborating, thinking, consulting, and implementation…adjustment Conference Work! Collaborating, thinking, consulting, and implementation…adjustment
Grappling with our situation
External Pressure Points Accelerate student through education system WIOA Outcomes: Post GED= employment or post secondary education in career pathway College Enrollment: Being recognized as a student pipeline from ABS
Our Essential Questions.. How to increase student retention? How to guide our Adult Basic Skills/Pre-College students to greater goals for themselves? How to facilitate professional development for staff and faculty in order to embrace program changes, culture shift, student accountability? How to carve out the resources investment of time, effort, and real costs?
Outcomes: The best comes FIRST! # Students # Credits completed Average GPA % GED completion of CE students vs. non CE students College enrollment (1st -2nd term following GED completion by CE students vs. non CE students 54 170 3.38 54% CE 42 % CE students 10% non CE 11% non CE students
Approach Grounded in Research Guidance & Consultation 12:15 Refer to a one page resource of references
College and Career Pathways Institute The College and Career Pathways Institute (CCPI) at LaGuardia Community College aims to share its evidence-based approach to contextualized instructional strategies with education leaders, faculty, advisors, student support and workforce professionals at universities, community based organizations and secondary education settings. The Institute grew out of our desire to share the approaches and curriculum frameworks that have made the Bridge to College and Careers Program and the NY-BEST Integrated Training Programs such successful paths forward for our students here at LaGuardia’s Division of Adult and Continuing Education. Transformation not replication Practitioner led consultation Offer workshops, site-based training, online and hybrid TA, program redesign consultations, leadership, advisement and curriculum development workshops,
Interactive Leadership/Practitioner Cohort Consultation Share strategies/implementation considerations: Retention Strategies/Attendance Embedded Advising Integrated coursework Culture Shift with Staff and Students
Culture Shift was essential for staff and faculty: Contracted consultants Program leadership consolidated ideas in to basic outline Listened to the field: Sought feedback from all faculty and staff in Adult Basic Skills Incorporated input - considered questions raised – and came up with more refined plan Determined implementation timeline Explored and provided professional development to ensure readiness Institutional communication outside of ABS to make note of new directions and gain support
For students as well:
What we did: More structure support & accountability & Engagement Program Changes/Culture Shift: Attendance Policy - 75% minimum attendance enforced Advising – Reach every student at least once a term Integrated Core Courses - Pilot at one campus of Language Arts/Social Studies and Math/Science Content Area Team Meetings - Instructors meet once a week to collaborate and develop curriculum Concurrent Enrollment – Eligible students take one or two free college classes while finishing their GED Professional Development – Mockingbird techniques for faculty and classified staff to promote student engagement; offered at inservice and as instructor-led booster sessions
The rest is history… # Students # Credits completed Average GPA % GED completion of CE students vs. non CE students College enrollment (1st -2nd term following GED completion by CE students vs. non CE students 54 170 3.38 54% CE 42 % CE students 10% non CE 11% non CE students
Helpful Components
Connect with us! #CCPILaGuardia ccpi.laguardia
Questions and comments Serena Ota St. Clair Kiersta Fricke-Gostnell Amy Dalsimer, Julie Rossi