VIVA Open Initiatives & the Open Textbook Network James Madison University Virginia Scholarly Communication Interest Group Genya O’Gara, VIVA Associate Director
VIVA’s Member Institutions 39 Public colleges and universities 32 Private/independent colleges and universities The Library of Virginia
VIVA’s Mission VIVA’s mission is to provide, in an equitable, cooperative and cost-effective manner, enhanced access to library and information resources for the Commonwealth of Virginia’s nonprofit academic libraries serving the higher education community.
Delivering Value
Cooperative, Efficient, Decentralized Services VIVA Central Office (GMU-Fairfax) Procurement (JMU-Harrisonburg) ExLibris-Alma Knowledge Base Partner (UMW- Fredricksburg ) WorldCat Knowledge Base Partner (VMI-Lexington) VIVA Journal Locator (VCCS-Richmond) Virginia Heritage Project (UVA-Charlottesville) Serials Solutions Partner (VT-Blacksburg) 34
For every $1 spent VIVA provides $5 worth of materials VIVA is Cost Effective Cost avoidance through group purchases July 1, 1994 to June 30, 2016: $730,000,000 For every $1 spent VIVA provides $5 worth of materials 31 37
A Growing Role for VIVA – Supporting Open Access and Open Resources
SCOAP3 SCOAP3 has converted journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost to the authors. Participating libraries and consortia redirect the money they previously paid to the participating publishers into a shared fund that then pays for the publication costs. VIVA participates in SCOAP3 through our Institute of Physics journal subscription.
Article Publication Charges Some VIVA products account for Article Publication Charges, or APCs. For example: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) provides an Open Access APC credit for each participating institution. Through title-level reconciliation, Wiley adjusted subscription prices to account for open access articles paid for by APCs.
New England Journal of Medicine VIVA has started a subscription with the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). NEJM provides free access to research articles that are older than 6 months, back to 1990.
Value Metric Task Force A new VIVA task force is exploring value parameters such as cost per download, usage by institution type, discount rate for VIVA members, etc. in the interest of comparing the relative value of resources to VIVA members. Included in the discussion will be the vendors’ support of open access, and open access models.
34 VIVA institutions became supporting members of the DOAJ through VIVA in 2016. 2016 DOAJ Members Bridgewater College Piedmont Virginia Community College Christopher Newport University Radford University College of William & Mary Regent University Eastern Shore Community College Shenandoah University Eastern Virginia Medical School Southside Virginia Community College George Mason University Sweet Briar College Hampden-Sydney College Tidewater Community College James Madison University University of Mary Washington Liberty University University of Richmond Longwood University University of Virginia Lynchburg College University of Virginia's College at Wise Mary Baldwin College VCCS Systems Office Marymount University Virginia Commonwealth University Norfolk State University Virginia Military Institute Northern Virginia Community College Virginia State University Old Dominion University Virginia Tech Paul D. Camp Community College Washington & Lee University
OER Commons: Virginia Project There is a new Virginia OER instance that is part of the OER Commons.
Open Textbook Network VIVA has joined the Open Textbook Network (OTN) as a System Member. The OTN is “An alliance of higher education institutions committed to improving access, affordability, and academic success through the use of open textbooks.”
Open Textbook Network In a nutshell the Open Textbook Network: Trains and educates librarians & faculty in the adoption of open textbooks Gathers and reports adoption numbers & student savings as a measure of impact Supports faculty in the creation and review of high quality, open resources
Open Textbook Network Background In the summer of 2015 the Resource Sharing Committee tasked a small group with investigating what VIVA member libraries were doing with OER & VIVA-licensed resources for teaching and learning. 84% of those surveyed thought libraries should play a roll in OER at their campuses, 16% thought maybe, and none thought no.
Open Textbook Network Background Next a presentation was made to the Library Advisory Committee (LAC) about the state of OER in Virginia, as well as opportunities for collaborative efforts. This presentation was led by Tara Cassidy (VCCS), Kathleen DeLaurenti (CWM), and Anita Walz (VT). One of the top recommendations was that the consortium join the Open Textbook Network. The LAC handed this recommendation to the VIVA Steering Committee, which approved funding & implementing this program
Open Textbook Network Background Thank you subgroup!!!! VIVA reached out to the Virginia Scholarly Communication Interest Group for assistance in determining what appropriate criteria would be for system and campus leaders. A subgroup was formed consisting of: Hillary Miller (VCU), Yasmeen Shorish (JMU), Lucretia McCulley (UofR), Anita Walz (VT), Mike Ours (Lynchburg), Claudia Holland (GMU), and Olivia Reinauer (Tidewater CC). Thank you subgroup!!!!
Open Textbook Network Background Nomination criteria for Steering Committee to consider: Leader (or demonstrated interest) in one or more scholarly communication topics (e.g., IR, OER, copyright, or Open Access). Strong interest in open education initiatives. Demonstrated ability to organize and implement outreach to faculty. Experience organizing and presenting training workshops. Demonstrated leadership/aptitude in organizing and collaborating regionally and/or nationally. An effort to ensure that selected leaders represent a wide distribution of VIVA institution types
Open Textbook Network As a System Member, VIVA will be provided with: A Campus Leader training, scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2016 at James Madison University. The ability to send three System Leaders to the OTN’s intensive summer training, scheduled for August 8-12, 2016 at the University of Minnesota. Directors’ nominations for Campus and System Leaders were finalized and announced on June 10th.
Open Textbook Network System and Campus Leaders!
Open Textbook Network Outcomes! By promoting the use and creation of high quality educational materials that are free for students to use, this initiative will: increase affordability in higher education promote student success empower VA faculty to contribute to open course materials give VIVA members an opportunity to strategically support open education and open access initiatives as a state