Response to Monitoring Visits & Performance Targets
Sioux County Consortium and Plymouth/Monona/Woodbury County Consortium Perkins Label with Date Perkins Labels Permanent Marker Program Self-Assessments and Evaluations Date Completed Specific Notes - Influence on Program Improvement Specific Goals for Program Improvement Perkins labels, permanent marker (cover with packaging tape) and/or mark storage cabinets, drawers and shelves Inventory in each POS Notebook that includes the location of the equipment See Example
Sioux County Consortium and Plymouth/Monona/Woodbury County Consortium Advisory Committee Minutes Specific work done Noting Advice provided to Each Program Including the Approval of Program Components Specific Overall Impact/Influence on Programs Program Components: Critical Competencies, Technical Skills Assessments, Content and Courses EXPLICIT: discussed the need for this work to be done in a way that provides evidence to the DE that this work is being done. See Example
PERFORMANCE TARGETS NOT MET AND REQUIRED ACTION 6S1 – Nontraditional Participation 6S2 – Nontraditional Completion Action Required: Provide training on Nontraditional Occupations, Recruitment and Retention. Who needs to participate: Teachers of Nontrad Programs: Ag, Culinary, IT Counselors (Elementary and Secondary)
CTE Work Days or Consortium Meeting Days Completion of POS work SBA process for programs not approved for additional funding
FY 2017 Grant Application and Allocation Amounts
Grant Application Administrative Changes Program Changes Required POS Components Ongoing Program Improvement
FY ’17 Allocations FY 2016 FY 2017 Cherokee Consortium $36,075.00 $36,045.00 Northern Area 4 Consortium $18,418.00 $19,225.00 Plymouth/Monona/Woodbury $44,876.00 $44,648.00 Sioux County Consortium $38,989.00 $38,743.00 Slight changes in the amounts of the consortium allocations. If it is approved by you, as consortium administrators, the allocation will be divided based on 2015-2016 student enrollment
CTE Bill Signed by Governor: Six Service Delivery Areas Agriculture, food, and natural resources Arts, communications, and information systems Applied sciences, technology, engineering, and manufacturing, including transportation, distribution, logistics, architecture, and construction
CTE Bill Signed by Governor: Six Service Delivery Areas Health sciences Human services, including law, public safety, corrections security, government, public administration and education and training Business, finance, marketing, and management Assuming that culinary will be added to Human Services through FCS connection, even though it is under Hospitality and Tourism While this goes into effect July 2016 – administrative rules have not been written yet, it is unknown when this will go into effect.
CTE Bill Signed by Governor: Increased focus in the bill around work-based learning opportunities for students Endorsement for multioccupational supervisor (MOC) Regional advisory committees Wait for the administrative rules… Assuming that culinary will be added to Human Services through FCS connection, even though it is under Hospitality and Tourism
MOC Endorsement Multi-occupational Endorsement Iowa K-12 districts who offer a work experience program are required to have properly licensed teachers instructing and supervisor their students. This is for credited high school programs. The MOC endorsement is required if the teacher is overseeing all High School students in the multi-occupations throughout the community. The except is that, for example a business endorsed teacher can supervise student that are completing work experience in a business setting, or a Vocational Agriculture teacher can supervise their students in a farm setting. Dave Wempen, Consultant, Board of Educational Examiners 515-281-3605
Grant Financial Changes We are not suppose to reimburse schools out of our general fund: a. Receive invoices b. Submit claims to DE c. Pay schools once claim has been approved Districts need to do a journal entry showing in and out of contracted services for Perkins
Contact Information: Mona Yanacheak 712-870-3044 (cell phone)