The winning name and logo will be adopted as the OFFICIAL NAME AND LOGO of the store!
Introduction In celebration of ITC's 60th Anniversary, ITC will establish a state-of-the-art online-to-offline (O2O) fashion store in 2017 as an incubation platform to cultivate local creative and professional fashion designers The store is the first-ever fashion store in PolyU The store will serve as a teaching and learning platform to allow our fashion design and business students with opportunities to operate an O2O store that provides an omniscient customer experience
Eligibility The competition is open to all PolyU students and alumni (who graduated after 2007) Each participant may submit no more than 5 entries
Prizes The champion will receive a certificate and a cash prize of HK$8,000
Each entry must be uploaded to the contestant's personal Facebook and Instagram with the following hashtags: #ITCstore #PolyUstore #Hongkongdesigner #PolyUFashion #PolyUITC #fashion #HKFashion Each entry must be presented in A4 (210mm x 297mm) document size, in vector PDF format with 300dpi output resolution Both colour and black/white versions must be included on the same page Submission Formats
Submit your entry (not exceed 20MB) to danny. kk. lai@polyu. edu Submit your entry (not exceed 20MB) to with subject title ‘Name and logo design competition' and the information listed below: Your name (as stated on the identification document) Your contact no. Your status: student, or alumni Year of graduation (if applicable) Store name and short description (no more than 200 words in Chinese or English) Description of logo design concept (no more than 200 words in Chinese or English) Submission Method
13 May 2017 Submission Deadline (Late submission will not be considered)
Results Announcement Results will be announced on ITC website and Facebook fan page on 12 June 2017 Those who do not receive our email by this date shall consider their entries unsuccessful
Judging Panel Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges comprising members of ITC senior management The composition of the panel of judges may change without prior notice
Selection Criteria Design concept Originality Creativity Aesthetic quality Scalability Applicability
Enquiries Dr Christina Wong Mr Danny Lai
Entries should be the original work of one person and must not have been used on other occasion or have won a prize in any other competitions. It is the sole responsibility of each participant to ensure that entries do not infringe copyright, privacy rights, regulations, orders or directions of any third party. The contestants shall bear full legal and related responsibilities arising from any possible breach of intellectual property rights in respect of their entries, and shall indemnify ITC and other concerned parties against any claims and liabilities arising from any such breach. ITC will own the copyright to the winning entry. ITC acquires the right to publish, exhibit and publicize the winning entries, including, but not limited to, such mediums as the Internet, printed or electronic marketing materials, etc. Copyright
Use of Personal Information Any information supplied by the contestants for the purpose of the competition will be treated as confidential, and will not be released by ITC and any third parties without the contestant's permission Personal information of contestants will only be used for communications regarding the submission and selection and otherwise to the extent necessary for administrative matters for the selection Use of Personal Information
ITC may at its discretion cancel, modify or suspend the competition Contestants shall not be entitled to any compensation as a consequence to such cancellation, modification, or suspension of the competition Disclaimers