Outline Background of Tschudi Mine Environmental Management Water Quality Monitoring Groundwater monitoring Potable & Effluent water quality Soil Management Protection of Biodiversity Noise Monitoring Waste Management Air Quality Monitoring PM10 Dust Fall out Progressive Mine Rehabilitation Challenges Successes
Technical Summary Located 24 km South West of Tsumeb in Northern Namibia The project is located on a granted mining license (ML125) Resources 50.1mt @ 0.86 Cu (0.3% cut off) (JORC) Open Pit reserve 22.7mt @ 0.95 Cu (0.3% cut off) (JORC) Recovered Copper 183,300t Copper Recovery 85% Plant Design Capacity 17,000 tpa copper cathode Mining Strip Ratio 7.45 : 1 (average for LOM) The first copper cathodes were produced in March 2015.
Basic Process Overview Open pit Mining (BRM) Crushing (B&E Int.) Acid Agglome-ration and Stacking Sulphuric Acid Heap Leaching Solvent Extraction Electro-winning
Environmental Management: Groundwater Quality
Environmental Management: Groundwater Quality A groundwater monitoring programme was established with the aim to asses impacts and/or any potential contaminants on groundwater quality. The programme follows the prescribed plan set by Jones and Wagner (November 2012) that formed part of the Tschudi Project EIA. Monitoring Position Sampling Interval Analysis Water Quality Standards Operational Phase: After first year of mining – remaining life of mine Purpose: To monitor trends in groundwater levels and quality All monitoring boreholes Quarterly Groundwater levels Not Applicable Groundwater quality: Full chemical analysis Namibian Water Quality Standards Hydrocensus boreholes: !Uris Lodge, Tschudi West, Farmhouse 1, Farmhouse 2 and Farmhouse Uris Bi-annually Groundwater quality Pit water and discharge point Every second week
Environmental Management: Potable & Effluent Water Quality POTABLE WATER MONITORING PROGRAMME To ensure that water used for drinking purposes on the mine is potable and good for human consumption. EFFLUENT MONITORING PROGRAMME Monitor effluent quality from sewage treatment works.
Environmental Management: Soil Management To salvage and protect available soil resources. Soil stockpile are stored according to the EMP.
Environmental Management: Protection Of Biodiversity All staff and contractors are encouraged to report sightings of animals that enter operational areas so they can be relocated to avoid danger and harm. Primary and secondary game fencing in and around mining and processing areas. A seed and weed inspection system was developed and currently implemented to prevent the proliferation of alien invasive species.
Environmental Management: Ambient Noise Monitoring Monitor ambient noise levels Independent contractor comes on site for yearly tests. WMN ensures that our operations minimise noise generation.
Environmental Management: Waste Management To prevent the contamination of soils and water resources due to inappropriate management and disposal of waste. Waste generated is separated at source into general waste and hazardous waste. Contractors manage their own waste. However, WMN oversees overall effective implementation of waste management onsite. General Waste General waste is disposed at the Tsumeb general waste landfill site. Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste is disposed at a hazardous waste disposal site.
Environmental Management: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring An air quality monitoring programme is comprised of: Total suspended particulate evaluation by dust fallout sample collection at nine locations (i.e., dust bucket samplers) PM10 particulate evaluation by mini-vol sample collection at one location. The programme is put in place to monitor the effectiveness of dust management during operations and implement improvements as required. Surface wetting is out on in-pit roads, drilling, crushers and at materials handling points. PM10 Dust fallout Sampled every 6 days. Dust fallout monitoring is carried out every 30 days at all the 9 locations as per SANS Guidelines .
Environmental Management: Ambient Air Quality
Environmental Management: Progressive Rehabilitation
Environmental Management: Progressive Rehabilitation Southern Waste Dump
Environmental Management: Progressive Rehabilitation Southern Waste Dump Not Rehabilitated Rehabilitated
Environmental Management: Progressive Rehabilitation Bobos Silica
Challenges Lack of recycling facilities in the Tsumeb area. Pit dewatering Currently using diesel driven pumps inside the pit. Plan is to lower the pit water levels by means of electrical pumps outside of the pit. Anti-poaching
Successes Environmental Forum Stakeholders Involvement Progressive Rehabilitation Pit Dewatering Recycling Initiatives i.e. Paper & Used oil Positive feedback from external Auditors on our annual compliance audits Anti-poaching unit
Challenges Lack of recycling facilities in the Tsumeb area. Pit dewatering Currently using diesel driven pumps inside the pit. Plan is to lower the pit water levels by means of electrical pumps outside of the pit. Environmental Awareness