Panel Discussion 3: Impedance Codes Where do we stand? Compile/review table of codes Ideas to control numerics Ideas to reduce impedance
Panel: K. Bane, SLAC W. Bruns, Bruns Field Calculations (GdfidL) F. Caspers, CERN M. Dohlus, DESY E. Jensen, CERN, Secretary T. Weiland, TU Darmstadt + CST (MAFIA, Microwave Studio) Convener M. Zobov, INFN Frascati
Do we need more codes? No. We need both f-domain and t-domain codes. Table of codes: GdfidL Bruns t-domain + Eigenfreq. Linux cluster, parallel (@CERN: 20 CPU’s, 40 GB, up to 109 meshpoints) HFSS Ansoft f-domain FEM, unstructured mesh with good surface approximation, optimizer MAFIA CST Complete package, includes PIC, limitations in size and precision MWS “Successor” of MAFIA. no beam excitation (yet) TBCI/ABCI t-domain Dedicated wakefield codes Echo/Echo3D Very long structures, less grid dispersion. …
New software or adapt existing? Adapt existing. What we need: better surface approximation window function for short range wake (t-domain) Extremely short-range wake medium resistivity (collimator) Bruns showed how this can be done
New area of comp./new physics? No, but nonlinear motion + strong shielding correction of grid dispersion (Novokhatski, Zagorodnow, Weiland: “Echo/Echo3D”) Resistive wall, thin layers f-dependent materials direct calculation in f-domain (see HFSS) Particle dynamics (breakdown, MP, e-cloud?)
Commercial - Research Commercial: Research: general purpose, not all well adapted well tested expensive Research: continuous support? 1-man codes risky! Available for everyone? (Omega3P, Echo, …)
Limitations Geometry approximation Grid dispersion Memory (many modes, large problems ) CPU-time (long range in t-domain) W32!
Optimization? Yes, but not urgently. Goal functions often hard to define! Also: Parametric study, sensitivity analysis