COURSE OVERVIEW Units of competency 3 mandatory (Hygiene, Safety, Working in Hospitality Industry workplace) 2 streams (Food and Beverage - 4) OR (Kitchen Operations - 4) elective units (not examinable) Mandatory work placement hours
THE HSC 2017: The HSC Content for this industry curriculum framework is organised into focus areas. Each focus area prescribes the scope of learning for the HSC. This is drawn from the associated units of competency. Students undertaking the 240 indicative hour course from the Hospitality Curriculum Framework must address all of the mandatory focus areas plus one stream focus area. The Hospitality Curriculum Framework mandatory focus areas are: Hygiene Safety Working in the hospitality industry and workplace. The Hospitality Curriculum Framework stream focus areas are: Food and Beverage Kitchen Operations and Cookery.
KITCHEN OPERATIONS (stream units) Use food preparation equipment and Cookery Produce dishes using basic methods of cookery Clean kitchen premises and equipment Participate in safe food handling practices
FOOD & BEVERAGE (stream units) Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages Prepare and serve espresso coffee Serve food and beverage Interact with customers
ELECTIVE UNITS NOT EXAMINABLE but provide Hospitality industry depth of knowledge Cert II purposes only
SYLLABUS….. WHAT??WHY?? HOW ?? This is the mandatory information to ensure all everyone is taught the same information Use it Its your best friend IF YOU DON’T HAVE IT- get it
HYGIENE hazards impacting food safety food hazards that may affect the health and safety of customers, colleagues and the worker: – related to: handling food and beverages food contact surfaces – including: personal hygiene personal health issues environmental hygiene work practices assess associated hygiene risk(s) use appropriate control measures to eliminate or minimise the hazards and their associated risk(s) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): – as a method of controlling food safety – work practices associated with the HACCP approach to hygiene and food safety
WHEN IS THIS HSC EXAM??? Important points to know : Date ? Time ? Where? How long is the exam?
Exam structure: Part A – 15 multiple choice Part B – 35 marks Part C – 15 marks Part D – 15 marks
Hints and tips: 5 minute reading Link multiple choice to short answer / extended response. Read the question Highlight key points Answer THE question (all parts) Start with summary of what you want to say PEEL (point, explain, example, link) TEEC (Topic, explain, elaborate, example, conclusion) Importance of opening paragraph
The HSC Markers are from MARS !!
BAND 6 Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery Communicates in a coherent, succinct and logical manner Uses industry terminology accurately and appropriately Supports responses with relevant workplace examples.
BAND 5 Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery Communicates in an effective and organised manner Uses industry terminology appropriately Supports responses with workplace examples
BAND 4 Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery Communicates in an organised manner Uses some industry terminology appropriately Includes some workplace examples in responses
Questions and marks ? 9 – 10 ..... Comprehensive .... Industry based examples 7 – 8 ....... Detailed ...... Provides multiple examples (some industry based) 5 – 6 ....... Sound ........ Provides simple examples 3 – 4 ....... Basic ......... May have example (s) 1 - 2 ....... Elementary ......... No example
Question 22 (15 marks) FOOD AND BEVERAGE Answer part (a) of the question in a writing booklet. (a) Explain the role of the NSW Food Authority in ensuring food safety. 5 Answer part (b) of the question in a SEPARATE writing booklet. (b) Describe the practices necessary to maintain food safety when taking delivery and preparing food in a commercial kitchen. In your response, refer to industry examples. 10
Question 23 (15 marks) Kitchen Operations Your answer will be assessed on how well you: ■ demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the question ■ communicate ideas and information using relevant workplace examples and industry terminology ■ present a logical and cohesive response Food and Beverage, Food Production/Kitchen and Human Resources are three departments that operate within a large hospitality establishment. Explain the primary role of each of these departments and how their interrelationships can ensure quality customer service.
Study tips: Plan Study Notes and Use them small notes /share Best way to study is your decision Test yourself exams- quizzes Past papers Practice past papers The DAY !! YAY
DO you have a QUESTIONS? No question is too big or silly ?
GOOD LUCK For any further information: Contact SHS 0265711199