The Two Dimensions of American Household and Family Demography and the Presidential Elections, 1968 -2016 An Analysis of Spatial Patterns. Ron Lesthaeghe * and Lisa Neidert** *Em. Prof. Free University Brussels (VUB), **Sr. Research Associate, University of Michigan Population Studies Center.
Indicators of the 2 demographic dimensions, USA 1990s Second Demographic Transition ( SDT ) 1. postponement of Marriage 2. Postponement of Fertility 3. Acceptability of Abortion 4. Presence cohabiting partners 5. Same sex households Pattern of Disadvantage ( POD ) Children living with grandparents Single mother households Teenage fertility Out of wedlock fertility Divorce
Loading = correlation with: Table 1: Two dimensions (“factors”) emerging from a Principal Components Analysis of 19 indicators of family and household demography; 50 states, 19 indicators 1986-2002. (Lesthaeghe & Neidert 2006) Loading = correlation with: Factor1 SDT Factor 2 POD % non-Hisp white women 25-29 without children in household, 2000 .933 -.186 % non-Hisp white women never married, 2000 .905 -.370 % non-Hisp white ever married women without own children in household, 2000 .902 -.097 Abortions per 1000 live births, 1992 .887 .057 % non-Hisp white women 30-34 never married, 2000 .882 -.326 Abortion rate per 1000 women 15-44, 1996 .836 .136 Fertility postponement ratio (fert.30+/ fert.20-29), 2002 .794 -.411 Same sex households per 1000 households, 2000 .754 .191 Non-Hisp white total fertility rate, 2002 -.725 .009 Non-Hisp. white fertility rate 15-19, 2002 -.675 .633 % households that are “families”, 1990 -.642 .328 % households with same or different sex cohabitors, 2000 .517 -.148 Divorce rate per 1000 population, 1990 -.457 .548 Total fertility rate, all races, 2002 .338 -.155 % non-marital births, 1990 .329 .803 % teen births, 1986 -.303 .875 Divorce rate per 1000 population, 1962 -.277 .462 % population 30+ living with and responsible for grandchildren,2000 -.189 .886 % non-marital births, 2000 .182 .851
% never married females, 25-29 [WNH]2000 .837 -.018 Table 2: Two dimensions (“factors”) emerging from a Principal Component Analysis of 22 indicators of family and household composition; 3141 counties, mostly 2000. Item factor 1 (SDT) factor 2 (POD) % never married females, 25-29 [WNH]2000 .837 -.018 % age at first birth= 28+ in 1988 [WNH) 2000 .812 -.293 Mean age at first birth in 1988 [WNH] .792 -.410 % childless women, 25-29 [WNH] 2000 .787 -.091 % never married females, 30-34 [WNH] 2000 .780 .074 Fertility postponement ratio, 1988 - 30+/20-29 [WNH] .733 -.329 % cohabiting households [WNH] 2000 .652 .284 % cohabiting households [Total] 2000 .606 .461 % teen births, 1988 [WNH] -.556 .613 % same sex cohabiting households [Total] 2000 .517 .364 Total Fertility Rate, 1999 [WNH] -.503 -.143 % same sex cohabiting households [WNH] 2000 .495 .263 % pop 30+ living with and responsible for grandchildren [WNH] 2000 -.449 .646 % pop 30+ living with grandchildren [WNH] 2000 -.318 .699 % children living in married couple family [WNH] 2000 -.273 -.609 % children living in married couple family [Total] 2000 -.245 -.746 % pop 30+ living with and responsible for grandchildren [Total]2000 -.227 .641 % births by unmarried mothers, 1988 [WNH] .164 .479 % currently divorced women, 35-44 [WNH] 2000 .127 .530 % pop 30+ living with grandchildren [Total] 2000 -.101 .657 % female-headed families/households [Total] 2000 .069 .706 % female-headed families/households [WNH]2000 .031 .649
Table 3: Correlation between the percent voting for the Republican candidate or Republican+ Conservative candidates 1968-2016 and the SDT-dimension of the 1990s, 50 states. Pre 1990 elections Post 1990 elections Year Candidate r with SDT Year Candidate r with SDT 1968 Nixon -.149 1992 Bush Sr. -.553 1968 Nixon +Wallace -.550 1992 Bush+Perot -.550 1972 Nixon -.464 1996 Dole -.710 1976 Ford -.244 2000 Bush Jr. -.880 1980 Reagan -.546 2004 Bush Jr. -.871 1980 Reagan+Anderson -.264 2008 McCain -.839 1984 Reagan -.557 2012 Romney -.889 1988 Bush Sr. -.486 2016 Trump -.830 2016 Trump+McMullen -.909
NYTimes chart
(NY Times chart)
Control Variables, States. Three structural variables: Disposable personal income 2001 I ncome % population 25+ with BA, 1990 E duc % population metropolitan, 2000 U rban Ethnicity % black, 2000 % Hispanic, 2000 Religion % Evangelical/Mormon % Catholic
Zero Order (no controls) -0.710 -0.881 -0.871 -0.839 -0.889 -0.830 Table 4: 50 States. Zero order correlation between the SDT-dimension (around 2000) and the Republican vote (presidential elections 1996-2016). Partial correlation coefficients controlling for structural and cultural variables. Note: 2016b includes votes for the independent Mormon candidate in 2016 (see Utah outlier). 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016a 2016b Zero Order (no controls) -0.710 -0.881 -0.871 -0.839 -0.889 -0.830 -0.910 3 Structural IEU -0.684 -0.787 -0.812 -0.761 -0.847 -0.696 -0.851 3 Struct. + Relig.+Ethnic -0.778 -0.841 -0.853 -0.816 -0.866 -0.716 -0.852 3 Struct + Religions -0.576 -0.734 -0.742 -0.654 -0.784 -0.617 -0.807 Religions only -0.463 -0.788 -0.755 -0.699 -0.798 -0.732
Mainland Counties Controls 2004 2008 2012 2016* Zero order (no controls) -0.573 -0.656 -0.662 -0.773 3 Structural IEU -0.450 -0.531 -0.509 -0.493 Religion only -0.475 -0.512 -0.538 -0.649 3 Struct+Relig.+Ethnic -0.604 -0.622 -0.648 3 Struct + Religion -0.341 -0.366 -0.357 -0.368 3Struct+Foreign Born -0.453 -0.508 -0.490 3Struct+Born in State -0.477 -0.553 -0.530 -0.499 Mainland Counties, Population 25,000+ 2016 -0.666 -0.728 -0.730 -0.791 -0.550 -0.603 -0.581 -0.541 -0.533 -0.577 -0.591 -0.702 3 Struct.+ Relig.+Ethnic -0.616 -0.663 -0.678 -0.670 3 Structural + Religion -0.397 -0.411 -0.400 -0.395 3Structural+Foreign Born -0.548 -0.600 -0.578 3Structural+Born in State -0.559 -0.609 -0.596 -0.540
Conclusions: Spatial patterns of SDT and Presidential Election Outcomes Spatial patterns (States, counties) of SDT and Presidential election results strongly converge since 1996, and SDT becomes a very strong predictor of elections since 2000. Correlation SDT- Republican+Conservative vote strongest in 2016, both at state and county levels. Spatial pattern of social disadvantage (POD) is NOT a predictor of spatial election patterns anymore since 2000. The spatial “SDT- Republican vote” correlation is NOT linked to dominant election issues in the debates. “SDT- Rep. Vote” correlation at state level robust for all controls used here (Urbanity, Education, Family income, %Evangelical+Mormon, %Catholic, %Black, %Hispanic, %born in State, %Foreign born) This correlation weakens at county level, mainly due to SDT and Democrat voting both being concentrated in Urban Metropolitan counties. But the zero order “” correlation is NOT obliterated by controls.