“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor,…” Devotion “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor,…” 1 Timothy 5:17 God of power and might, wisdom and justice, through you authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed. Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude the President and other government leaders of these United States. May they always seek the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy. Grant that they may be enabled by your powerful protection to lead our country with honesty and integrity. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
What purpose does the Congregational Constitution serve?
Each expression of this church — churchwide, synod, and congregation — is held together in a relationship of interdependence that encourages each to respond to its context. These documents also demonstrate our commitment to seeing ourselves with others as part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Introduction to the Model Constitution for Congregations
STRUCTURE Chapters and Sections Bylaws Continuing Resolutions Church and church
STRUCTURE Chapters and Sections Mandatory Sections “*C” Regular Sections “C” Choices?
More Choices! Bylaws Continuing Resolutions STRUCTURE More Choices! Bylaws Continuing Resolutions
The Constitution
PREAMBLE Mandatory States the purpose for the constitution Relational Language “We” “unite together” “pledging ourselves” Invokes the Trinity.
Who are we? Chapters 1-4
Chapter 1 Name And Incorporation Congregation Name Corporation Name State of Incorporation Missing Sections
Chapter 2 Confession Of Faith Mandatory Section Identifies the foundations of our faith List the documents viewed as interpretations of our faith Expresses a particular unity with other Lutherans
Chapter 3 Nature of the Church Mandatory Section Relationship Language Unity Relationship inside and outside of the denomination Relationship to the entire Church of the past Briefly defines the ELCA
Chapter 4 Statement of Purpose Mandatory Section Transitional Section-Moves from the who we are part of the constitution to how we are to structure our congregations Speaks to the congregations mission in the church and how the congregation is to carry that mission out Defines the relationship between the three expressions of the church as being non-legally binding
Form and Function Chapters 5-15
Chapter 5 Powers of the Congregation Mandatory Section Who has the power? What do we do with all this power? Choices
Chapter 6 Church Affiliation Mandatory Section Relationship Language With ELCA With Synod Ending the Relationship Moving Additional Locations
Chapter 7 Property Ownership Mandatory Section Who has rights to the property and when? Congregation or Synod?
Chapter 8 Membership Mandatory Section Classes of Membership Baptized Confirmed Voting Associate (Choices) Seasonal Participation is necessary Termination of Membership
Chapter 9 Rostered Minister Mandatory Section Longest Chapter Hey how do we get one of those? What do they do? Letter of Call. This is a RELATIONSHIP and it’s not Employer/Employee Ending the relationship?
Chapter 10 Congregation Meeting Not Mandatory, what does that mean? Lots of Options When? Who? How?
Chapter 11 Officers Non Mandatory Section Lots of Options Who are they and what do they do? Term Limits! Woohoo! Why is this a good idea?
Chapter 12 Congregation Council Non Mandatory Section Again Lots of Options Who? What? Where? How? What do they do?
Chapter 13 Congregation Committees Non Mandatory Section Executive Committee Nominating Committee Audit Committee Mutual Ministry Committee Call Committee Other Committees
Chapter 14 Organizations Within The Congregation Non Mandatory What other organizations?
Chapter 15 Discipline of Members and Adjudication Mandatory Section The most difficult section How do we handle discipline of a difficult child? Congregational Division Internal Resolution Call the Bishop Call the Consultation Committee Call the Synod Council
Legalese Chapters 16-20
Chapter 16 Amendments Mandatory Section A single choice How do we change the sections in our Constitution? When do we HAVE to update our Constitutions?
Chapter 17 Bylaws Mandatory Section What are Bylaws? Where do we get them from? What do we do with them?
Chapter 18 Continuing Resolutions Mandatory Section What’s the difference between a Bylaw and CR? How are the processes different?
Chapter 19 Indemnification Mandatory Section What does this mean? Protection from lawsuits and legal damages
Chapter 20 Parish Authorization Possibly Mandatory What is a Parish? Do I have to have this in my Constitution?