CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Content EU structural funds and their utilization for the benefit of Fire Service in the Czech Republic Fire unit and interventions in 2014 year Fire and explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Zlin Region FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
command vehicles, aerial leaders, BA, HAZMAT equipment CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC EU structural funds and their utilization for the benefit of Fire Services in the Czech Republic Integrate operational Program – Technique, Technology and equipment for effective intervention 2014 command vehicles, aerial leaders, BA, HAZMAT equipment Budget 9,5 mil Euro FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
Special Rescue Unit Base in Jihlava CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC EU structural funds and their utilization for the benefit of Fire Services in the Czech Republic Integrate operational Program – Preparedness of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic to deal with floods Special Rescue Unit Base in Jihlava Fire trucks - CCS, container carriers etc. Budget 53 mil Euro FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
(excluding regional founds) CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC EU structural funds and their utilization for the benefit of Fire Service in the Czech Republic Projects of Fire and Rescue Service in frame of EU Structural Funds 2007 - 2015 Integrate operational Program – Natural disaster 2014 – 11 mil Euro Integrate operational Program - Improve the quality of equipment F&R Service 2014 25 mil Euro Integrate operational Program - consistent level of operating management information systems and technology upgrades for emergency call centers - 74 mil Euro Integrate operational Program – Technique, Technology and equipment for effective intervention 2014 –9,5 mil Euro Integrate operational Program – Preparedness of the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic to deal with floods –53 mil Euro Totaly 172 000 000 Euro (excluding regional founds) FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
Number of Fire Depts & Firefighters in the Czech Republic in year 2015 CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Number of Fire Depts & Firefighters in the Czech Republic in year 2015 Fire units Number of Fire Stations Number of Firefighters (Operational Staff) Fire Rescue Service of Czech republic 241 (full-time) 6 476 (9 530 totally) 1 FF/1620 inhb. Part time & Voluntary Fire Depts 7 077 71 311 1FF/157 inhb. FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
FIRE STATISTIC 2014 CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC FIRE STATISTIC 2014 2013 2014 Fire 16 563 16 851 Traffic Accident 19 023 19 216 Natural Disaster HAZMAT Accident 5 253 5 372 Technical Accident 63 596 50 964 False Alarms 7 846 7 527 Total 112 281 100 776 16 498 persons were rescued and 33 035 people were evacuated by fire services during the interventions in 2014. FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Fire followed the explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Vlachovice-Vrbětice, Zlin Region 16th of september 2014 Fire in ammunition storage No.16 (military facility leased to a private company) pyrotechnics, mines, artillery and infantry ammunition, a total of 57.57 tons, The first unit came on the scene and on the basis of initial reconnaissance, the commander decided departure to a safe distance 1,000 meters – this decision saved lives FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Fire followed the explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Vlachovice-Vrbětice, Zlin Region FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Fire followed the explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Vlachovice-Vrbětice, Zlin Region 10:10 AM FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria 10:44:03 Explosion FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
Storage after Explosions FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
Storage after Explosions FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Fire followed the explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Vlachovice-Vrbětice, Zlin Region spreading of ammunition to the surroundings of several hundred meters Warning and evacuation of residents within a radius of 8 km Using of helicopter and Drones – reco. Damage to warehouses in the area due to pressure waves Unguided munitions explosions until 1st of November 2014 Command of the action takes Police 03.12.2014 – explosions in the Storage no. 12 The re-evacuation of villages around FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Fire followed the explosion in object no. 16 in the area of munitions depots Vlachovice-Vrbětice, Zlin Region Deminers conducted a survey and cleaning of roads Started export of ammunition of all stocks in storages – probabaly finish in februaray 2016 Regard to ammunition scattered around the neighborhood - cleanup will take several years FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION CZECH ASSOCIATION OF FIRE OFFICERS REPORT OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Col. Dipl. Ing.Vladimir Vlcek, Ph.D. Col. Dipl.Ing. Petr Oslejsek, Ph.D. Czech association of fire officers FEU Meeting 19.-21.11.2015 Vienna, Austria