Collective Bargaining Contract negotiated by the employer and representative of the labor union.
Unions To certify, must have a unanimous vote (50 %) If lose certification vote, must wait one year for another vote.
Employment at Will Employment is not for a stated amount of time. Employer, without being liable for breach of contract, could fire the employee and pay him or her for services rendered up to the time of the firing (employee can quit). Unjust Dismissal Employees have legal grounds against employers who have treated them unfairly.
Grievance Procedure Sets up a series of steps employees must take to appeal an employer’s decision that they feel violates just cause. Due Process is a grievance procedure for government employees.
Restrictive Employment Covenants Agreement not compete Restrict: Type of work prohibited Length of work Extent of geographic area
Laws Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) Taft-Hartley First federal law dealing with collective bargaining Encourage collective bargaining, discouraged unfair labor practices Taft-Hartley Prevents labor union from requiring an employer to retain employees who are no longer need Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 Restricted child labor Landrum-Griffin Act Unions must register with Sec. of Labor and submit year financial reports.