Management - coordination EMODnet Chemistry 3 Management - coordination Alessandra Giorgetti – OGS EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, Trieste, 17-19 May 2017 1
EMODnet Chemistry 3 Started on 06/03/2017 Duration 2 years with possible renewal for 2 years Budget 2,805,000 € 45 institutes from 27 countries and 3 international organisations (ICES, Black Sea Commission, UNEP/MAP) EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 2
Partnership 27 partners 18 subcontractors Based on EMODnet Chemistry network of NODC’s with Technical partners to further develop and run SDN infrastructure Specific expertise to coordinate data analyses and validation, and the creation of data products 45 organisations 27 partners 18 subcontractors EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 3
Partnership EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 4
Management structure Project coordinator (=OGS) Technical coordinator (=MARIS) Project office (=OGS: Caterina Fanara, Gina Costantini) Steering committee (=OGS, MARIS, IFREMER, IMR, AU-DCE, SMHI, HCMR, NIMRD, ICES and ISPRA) Project Coordination Group (all partners and subcontractors) Technical Working Group (=MARIS, OGS, IFREMER, ICES, AWI, ULg, ISPRA, NERC-BODC and Deltares) Work package leaders Board of MSFD experts EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 5
Regional Leaders IMR, No AU, Dk SMHI, Se IFREMER, Fr NIMRD, Ro HCMR, Gr EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 6
Management structure Steering Commitee Board of MSFD experts Project office Coordination Group (all partners and subcontractors) Technical Working Group Regional Leaders Regional Leaders Regional Leaders Regional Leaders Regional Leaders Regional Leaders WP Leaders WP Leaders WP Leaders WP Leaders Data collection Data products Technical development Promotion and interaction EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 7
Coordination tools 3 mailing lists: interested people ? Project office at OGS Website: continuously updated from EMODnet Chemistry Extranet for the project: Restricted access (if you do not remember, contact All project documents including contract and working docs 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 8
Coordination tools: website EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 9
New design Portal upgrade with thematic approach (M6) 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 10
Ocean Browser – new style Discovery service as map viewer with side menu From: To: EMODnet Chemistry 3 TWG meeting, 4-5 April 2017 11
DIVA maps First parameter selection: 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 12
Contract status Evaluation results received by EASME on 08/02/2017 The Service Contract was signed on 06/03/2017 Draft Consortium Agreement was circulated to the partners on 07/04/2017. Once approved by all, the CA will be circulated for signing Draft Subcontract was was circulated to the subcontractors on 07/04/2017. Almost all replied EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 13
Contractual tasks EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 14
Contractual tasks EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 15
Work programme Data collection and metadata population EMODnet Chemistry 3 kick-off meeting, 17-19 May 2017 16
1ST YEAR WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES WP1: Project Management Milestone Date Consortium Agreement M2 Quarterly concise progress reports M4, M7, M10, … Short minutes - action lists of Steering Committee Meetings M4, M8, M11, … Portal update with information on Project Coordination Group Meetings M4, M11, … Annual Interim report M12 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 17
1ST YEAR WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES WP2: Data collection and metadata compilation October 2017 Milestone Date Chemistry (eutrophication) CDI metadata and data sets included in CDI Service M8 Marine and beach litter data sets from data providers, OSPAR, and ICES, included in the EMODnet databases M10 Chemistry (contaminants) CDI metadata and data sets included in CDI Service M15 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 18
1ST YEAR WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES WP3: Generation of data products Milestone Date First version concentration maps of marine and beach litter M12 Updated data collections and DIVA maps for eutrophication M14 Updated data collections and dedicated maps on contaminants M20 Higher resolution DIVA maps near major river mouths M22 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 19
1ST YEAR WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES WP4: Technical development and operation Deliverables Date EMODnet Chemistry portal upgraded with extra functionalities M6 Upgraded OceanBrowser and advanced viewing services M15 Operational EMODnet database system for marine and beach litter M10 Specification of initial Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) architecture and plan M8 Monitoring data about visits and usage Continue 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 20
1ST YEAR WORK PLAN AND DELIVERABLES WP5: Uptake, outreach and interaction End 2017 March 2018 Deliverables Date Operational Help-desk M6 Meetings of Board of MSFD experts M3, M10, M13 Promotional material and up-to-date website Continue Presentations at relevant conferences Regular 1st Steering Committee meeting, 16 May 2017 21