Aircraft instrument’s Moving from analog to digital.
Analog instrument’s Are still on aircraft, normally are used as standby instruments in the event of a power failure. Older aircraft have analog instruments and training aircraft have analog instruments.
DIGITAL INSTRUMINTS(Glass cockpit) Instruments are moved to screens On some commercial aircraft even the standby instruments are screens Each screen has a different use and can provide more information than an analog instrument.
HEADS UP DISPLAY(hud) Shows the same information from the primary flight display The goal of the HUD is to keep the pilot that is flying outside the cockpit When the aircraft is landing on ILS the HUD will outline the runway at 500 feet above the ground If a TCAS resolution is required the HUD will help direct the pilot to the resolution.
FLIGHT INSTRUMINTS GOING DIGITAL Heads up display (HUD) Certain aircraft like the 737 – 600 and 900ER and the 787 have a HUD installed to help keep the pilot’s eyes outside the cockpit and provide information about airspeed, altitude, attitude, and VOR/ILS/DME course. When the aircraft is 500 feet above the ground the outline of the runway will appear on the HUD to help let the pilot flying know where the runway is. If a TCAS resolution is required the HUD will indicate what the pilot needs to do to avoid a collision with an aircraft. Before age of computes instruments where shown as their own dial. Nowadays the development of the glass cockpit aircraft means all of the instrument’s are given on screens. And originally 3 pilots where required to be on staff for a flight. Because of automaton computers have pushed away the need for a 3rd pilot that would be a flight engineer. Aircraft have gotten to a point where they can even land themselves. On one display directly in front of the pilot is a display that shows airspeed, altitude, attitude, rate of decent, autopilot modes, and heading all on one screen. The display to the right of that one usually displays a map with weather information, terrain, heading, other aircraft traffic, and on some aircraft have cameras so the pilot can see where the landing gear is on the taxiway. In the center of both pilots this display can vary on what is displayed but normally is engine thrust, engine tail temperature, fuel, and any warnings that the pilot needs to be aware of. Below that display can also vary. Some aircraft have that screen to be used for EICAS (engine indicating and crew alerting system) and aircraft diagnostics. Even standby instruments are now digital screens instead of actual instruments. Most pilots support the display system because it decreases work load and more information is given in a smaller area. While these changes make flying easier they still can be read wrong and most aircraft accidents have been a result of pilot error.
Sources Flight simulator X Personal Experience