Škola mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů School of International and Public Relations It is a private school; It is located in Prague, the Capital of the Czech Republic; S www.smvvpraha.cz www.smvvpraha.cz Michelská 12, Praha - 4, Czech Rep.
History Established in 1991 One of the first private schools in former Czechoslovakia. There are three divisions of SMVV now: Secondary school College University www.smvvpraha.cz
Secondary school educational programmes Diplomatic Services Students are prepared to work for EU, NATO, UN organizations and ministeries and other institutions Public Relations Students are prepared to work for agencies and institutions focused on PR and advertisement, media, the government office etc. Public Administration Students are prepared to work for state institutions of the state administration, local authorities, financial institutions - Each educational programme lasts 4 years and is concluded with written and spoken test in Czech (maturita). No matter which specialization our students choose they should be able to think critically, have wide range of cultural, political and historical knowledge. Furthermore, they should respect law, habits, and duties. Finally, they should be able to respect other beings, empathise with them and help. www.smvvpraha.cz
Secondary school There are core subjects: Czech language, psychology, oratory, sociology, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics. The optional subjects are: public relations, diplomatic relations, European Institutions, European history etc. Except the subjects corresponding with students’ specialization they have opportunity to choose from 1-3 foreign languages. They have possibility to choose among Spanish, French, Russian and Italian language. Stress is put on a deep knowledge of the theoretical and practical information, cultural customs and interpersonal communication. There are approximately 300 students in our school and about 12 full-time staff; There are 30 students per class (15 students per foreign language lesson); www.smvvpraha.cz
Some photos from school life A ball before fourth grade students take maturita (leaving exam) Everybody has to keep to the dress code. School staff www.smvvpraha.cz
We are involved in: We are involved in the project: „Winton's Children „. Some of our students met Mr. Winton personally. Some of our students are involved in the project called Diplomatic Forum. Students simulate international negotiations and try to suggest solutions to current issues. Students co-operate with the Information Desk of the UN, organize lectures and discussions on present situation. In this projct participate different schools from the Czech Republic. We were involved in Comenius project: Wine and beer two worlds two cultures. www.smvvpraha.cz www.smvvpraha.cz Michelská 12, Praha - 4, Czech Rep.