Delta Day 1 2016
Permanent Stopping
Inoperable Battery Scoop
0.0 % CH4 3 PPM CO 20.8 % O2
Unsafe Roof
Unsafe Roof
Airtight Cave
Airtight Cave
Unsafe Roof
Water Roofed
0.4 % CH4 250 PPM CO 20.0 % O2
Refuge Alternative
Door Closed
Purge Valve
0.4 % CH4 250 PPM CO 20.0 % O2
Door Closed
Live Conscious Miner
LCM in RA Statement: “Help”
Smoke _______________ End of Smoke
Permanent Stopping Not Intact
2.5 % CH4 300 PPM CO 20.3 % O2
2.5 % CH4 300 PPM CO 20.3 % O2
Smoke _______________ End of Smoke
Water Roofed
Unsafe Roof
Unsafe Roof
5.2 % CH4 8 PPM CO 19.0 % O2
5.1 % CH4 9 PPM CO 18.9 % O2
Water Roofed
5.2 % CH4 10 PPM CO 18.7 % O2
8 Timbers
Light Smoke
0.2 % CH4 100 PPM CO 20.6 % O2
Conveyor Belt
Smoke _______________ End of Smoke
Permanent Stopping With Door Open
0.2 % CH4 200 PPM CO 20.2 % O2
Heavy Smoke
Overcast Wall With Door Open
Overcast Wall With Door Closed
0.4 % CH4 400 PPM CO 19.8 % O2
Permanent Stopping Not Intact
Tail Piece
Belt Drive
Heavy Smoke
1.5 % CH4 450 PPM CO 19.7 % O2
Inoperable Battery Scoop
Smoke _______________ End of Smoke
Live Unconscious Miner
Oxygen Bottle
2.0 % CH4 10 PPM CO 19.6 % O2
Power Center
Light Smoke
0.1 % CH4 100 PPM CO 20.5 % O2
Unsafe Roof
Light Smoke
Unsafe Roof
Heavy Smoke
0.2 % CH4 200 PPM CO 20.2 % O2
Permanent Stopping
0.4 % CH4 450 PPM CO 19.8 % O2
Airtight Cave
Airtight Cave
Live Conscious Miner
Live Conscious Miner in 3 E Barricade Statement: “Help It’s Airtight Behind Me”
0.4 % CH4 55 PPM CO 19.8 % O2
1.7 % CH4 500 PPM CO 19.6 % O2
Heavy Smoke
Rock Dust Bags
4 Used Fire Extinguishers
1.7 % CH4 600 PPM CO 15.6 % O2
Mined Into Outcrop
Outcrop On Fire Cannot Be Extinguished