FOoD World Food Day, October the 16th, is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger.
Meals during the day How often you eat? What do you eat? Some people are skipping breakfast, why? Is it good and healthy? Meal times in Britain Meal times in America Ideas about different times of big warm meal. Which of them is more healthy and why? What is the most important meal of your day?
About meal times Czech Republic Breakfast (6-9am) Snack 1 (10am) Lunch (12-2pm) - warm Snack 2 (4pm) Dinner (6-8pm) - cold USA ( ) Breakfast (7:30-9am) – ham, sausage, bacon, eggs, toast, pancake, juice Lunch (12-2pm) - fastfood probably Dinner (2. or 3. meal) – main meal of the day, meat, fish, vegetable, cereal product (bread) -> sometimes ordered from restaurant Britain ( ) Breakfast (7:30-9am) – toast with butter and jam, fruit cocktail, cereals and milk, bacon and egg Luncheon (12:30-2pm) – sandwich, biscuits, soup => nothing warm Tea-time (3:30-5pm) – tea, biscuits, cakes… High tea (6pm) – light meal with tea Supper/dinner (7-8:30pm) – meat, vegetable, potato, dessert => warm About meal times
Typical Czech, British and American food What is your favourite food? Your experiences with foreign food? Which foreign food do you like the most? What would you like to taste? Can you cook some foreign meal? You and your food alergies Your pets and food
Typical czech food Dumpligs (+ sweet dumplings) Roasted pork with dumplings and sauerkraut Marinated beef sirloin Fried potato pancakes Drowned (sausage) Cheese (fried, beer, marinated) Soups (lentil, goulash, potato, fish, mushroom) Kolache Slivovitz, beer, wine, Fernet Stock, Becherovka…
Typical food of anglophone countries Australia – roasted lamb, meat pie Bahamas – Conch – sea snail Canada – Poutine – French fries, cheese, sauce Great Britain – Fish and chips Guyana – Pepperpot – meat, cinnamon, hot peppers, sauce India – Papad – thin, crispy flatbread Ireland - Colcannon – mashed poptato and cabbage New Zeland – Hangi – method and food cooked by this method (vegetable, meat etc) RSA – Goulash in fire USA – Hamburger Zimbabwe – Sadza – corn meal
Cooking and recipes Do you follow the recipes? Can you cook? What do you enjoy the most at the cooking? Do you like cooking? What kind of food or which one can you cook? Do you have recipes from your grandmother or mother (or father etc)? Are you a fun of family recipes? Who is cooking at your home? Do you have some yummy verified recipe you can recommend?
In a restaurant What do you know about etiquette? Which restaurant do you prefere? Calm, with musicians, expensive? Why? How do you pick a restaurant? What is important for you when you go eating outside of your home? Why do you go to a restaurant? To celebrate or just because you are too lazy to cook? Which food do you usually eat at a restaurant? Tips in a restaurant…
Vocabulary Meat (maso) Lamb (jehněčí) Pork (vepřové) Beef (hovězí) Chicken (kuřecí) Goose (husa) Duck (kachna) Rabbit (králík) Wild game (divočina) Fish (ryba) Carp (kapr) Sausages (párky) Vocabulary Vegetable (zelenina) Fruit (ovoce) Potato (brambory) Sauerkraut (zelí) Cabbage (kapusta) Carrot (mrkev) Celery (celer) Cranberry (brusinky) Lemon (citrón) Garlic (česnek) Onion (cibule) Plum (švestka) Apricot (meruňka) Apple (jablko) Orange (pomeranč) Others Dumplings (knedlíky) Flour (mouka) Bread (chleba) Roll (houska, rohlík) Milk (mléko) Beer (pivo) Marjoram (majoránka) Salt (sůl) Pepper (pepř) Cheese (sýr) Swetts (sladkosti) Biscuits (sušenky) Cake (dort) Cream (krém) Pancake (palačinka) Chocolate (čokoláda) Bonbon Roast (opéct) Sour (trpký, kyselý) Boil (vařit) Slice (řezat) Stale (žluklý, okoralý) Marinate (marinovaný)