2 YWBAT: identify the 8 steps in making a decision DO NOW: ITINERARY: List what you consider when making a decision Share key facts about Communication Group Decision Making Activity Intro Making a Decision (slides 8-11) Marshmallows??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX_oy9 614HQ 9/19/16—Class 6 9/20/16—Class 1 & 5
What does “Co-operative Problem Solving” mean? 3 YWBAT: work with your peers to make decisions & explain/define the decision making process ITINERARY: DO NOW: What does “Co-operative Problem Solving” mean? Intro Making a Decision (slides 8-11) Practice Co-Operative Problem Solving 5 Square Activity & Fall Out Shelter 9/21/16
Write one goal that you would like to achieve during the school year 1 YWBAT: set goals and make decisions using the steps we have learned in class DO NOW: ITINERARY: Review Fallout Shelter Marshmallows??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX_oy9614HQ Goal Setting Notes (slides 1-7) Life Pre Game Questions Write one goal that you would like to achieve during the school year 9/22/16
2 YWBAT: set goals and make decisions using the steps we have learned in class DO NOW: ITINERARY: Life Pre Game Questions Play LIFE keeping questions in mind Ticket to Leave: Post Game Survey Answer Pre Game Questions: Write down your predictions of what you would like to accomplish by the end of the game in the following areas: Career (college, job opportunities, etc.) Family (children, marriage, etc.) Finances Health Class 6-9/23/16 Class 1 & 5-9/26
2 YWBAT: set goals & make decisions using the steps we have learned in class DO NOW: ITINERARY: Complete the Post Game Survey Share/Discuss results Assign Dream Board Project Kahoot Review 9/23-Class 6 9/26-Class 1 & 5
DO NOW: ITINERARY: Quiz Work on Dream Board due end of next class 3 YWBAT: define, explain & put to practice concepts related to communication, goal setting & decision making. DO NOW: ITINERARY: Review your notes for quiz on Ch 2 & 4: Communication, Goal Setting & Decision Making Quiz Work on Dream Board due end of next class 9/27