Map Quiz on Friday!
The Five Themes of Geography
Geography The study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth
The Five Themes of Geography Location Place Region Human-Environment Interaction Movement
Absolute Location What is it? EXACT location How is it found? Where lines of latitude and longitude cross on a grid
Relative Location What is it? Relation of a place to its surrounding environment How is it found? Become familiar with characteristics of a place
Location Where something is described by its absolute or relative location Where is it?
Place Includes the physical and cultural features that describe what a location is like What is it like?
Region An area with related characteristics that unify several places and locations into a single unit What is it a part of?
Human-Environment Interaction How people adapt to or change their environment
Movement How people and ideas travel across time and distance
How many degrees of longitude are there?
What formal regions are located in the Western Hemisphere? United States Canada Latin America
Describe Kennett High School using the five themes of geography.
Honors WSII Periods 1,5,7 Choose a disease, epidemic, or food contamination. Follow the directions posted on the instruction sheet and Google Classroom to assist you in completing this assignment.
Some Possible Choices: Smallpox Bubonic Plague Measles Malaria Yellow Fever Influenza HIV/AIDS Typhus Cholera Meningitis Zika Virus Ebola Mumps Swine Flu Chicken Pox SARS Acid Rain Salmonella
WSII Period 2 Choose any city in the world of your choice. Research that city. Describe the city using the five themes of geography in the provided graphic organizer. You may either complete this on the computer OR by hand. Include a picture (computer or hand-drawn) that goes along with each of your descriptions. Answer the questions on the back in complete sentences. A hard copy of this assignment is due on TUESDAY, September 5th. You will be sharing these with the class!
Upcoming Dates World Map Quiz Friday, September 1. 5 Themes of Geography Research Assignment due Tuesday, September 5.