SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream


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Presentation transcript:

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream For More Tutorials

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Entire Course SCI 230 Week 1 Assignment Levels of Life SCI 230 Week 1 Assignment Levels of Life SCI 230 Week 1 Assignment The Scientific Method SCI 230 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 and 2 SCI 230 Week 2 Assignment Cells SCI 230 Week 3 Checkpoint Cell Energy Worksheet Complete the Levels of Life Worksheet located on the student website.

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 1 Assignment The Scientific Method SCI 230 Week 2 Assignment Cells Complete the Scientific Method activity on the student website. Write a 350-word paper on the scientific method. Include the following: • Describe how you applied the steps of the scientific method in the activity. Complete the Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells activity on the student website. Complete the Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Worksheet.

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 3 Checkpoint Cell Energy Worksheet SCI 230 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 and 2 Complete the Cell Energy Worksheet. Select two of Mendel’s four hypotheses that are described in Ch. 9 of Campbell Essential Biology With Physiology. How could you rewrite these in your own words? Find an example that illustrates the hypotheses.

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 5 Assignment DNA worksheet SCI 230 Week 5 Assignment Genetics worksheet Complete the DNA Worksheet located on the student website. Complete the Genetics Worksheet located on the student website.

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 6 Discussion Question 1 and 2 SCI 230 Week 7 Assignment Evolution Presentation Review the “Natural Selection” section in Ch. 13 of Campbell Essential Biology With Physiology. Organisms have evolved physiologically and anatomically to adapt to their environment. Select one species from the text or another source. How have their traits evolved by natural selection to maximize their ability to maintain homeostasis and equilibrium? Resource: “The Origin of Species” section in Ch. 14 of Campbell Essential Biology With Physiology Choose a species to research. Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation about your chosen species. Include the following in your presentation:

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 7 Humans and Natural Selection Paper SCI 230 Week 8 Discussion Question 1 and 2 Humans shape their environment in ways that other organisms cannot. Are humans subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other organisms? Why or why not? (Make sure to sufficiently explain and back up your answer.) Describe your local ecosystem or an ecosystem that is important to you, including its hierarchy of interactions and its biodiversity. How is the ecosystem dependent on the biodiversity? Explain one threat to that biodiversity.

SCI 230 Course Be Your Dream SCI 230 Week 9 Assignment Food Web Diagram SCI 230 Week 9 Assignment Human Population Growth Create a diagram in which you illustrate the energy flow among organisms of a food chain in a particular ecosystem. Select an ecosystem, such as a temperate forest, desert biome, or the Everglades. Determine the interdependency of life in your ecosystem by examining its organisms. Explain the two types of population growth. Analyze the type of growth exhibited by the human population and its effect on the environment. Make sure to list and cite all references, including the text, in APA Format

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