Common Foot Taping Procedures
Arch Technique 1 (to support weak arches)
Arch Technique 2 (for longitudinal arch)
Arch Technique 3 (X teardrop arch and forefoot support)
Arch Technique 4 (fan arch support)
LowDye Technique (Management of fallen arch, pronation, arch strains and plantar fascitis) (
Sprained Toes
Turf Toe (prevents excessive hyperextension of metatarsophalangeal joint)
Hammer or Clawed Toes (reduces pressure of bent toes against shoes)
Fractured Toes (splints injured to non-injured toe)
Common Ankle Taping Procedures
Routine Prophylactic (Preventative) Taping
Closed Basket Weave Used for newly sprained or chronically weak ankles U-shaped felt pad can be used to provide focal compression Aids in controlling swelling
Closed Basket weave (Gibney) Technique
Open Basket Weave Allows more dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, provides medial and lateral stability and room for swelling Used in acute sprain situations in conjunction with elastic bandage and cold application
Open Basket Weave
Continuous-Stretch Tape Technique
Common Leg & Knee Taping Procedures
Achilles Tendon (prevent Achilles over-stretching)
Collateral Ligament
Rotary Taping for Knee Instability (provides stability following ACL & MCL injury)
Knee Hyperextension (Prevent knee hyperextension, provide support to injured hamstring or slackened cruciate ligament)
Patellofemoral Taping (McConnell technique) Helps to manage glide, tilt, rotation and anteroposterior orientation of patella Accomplished by passively taping patella into biomechanically correct position Also provides prolonged stretch to soft-tissue structures associated with dysfunction
Patellofemoral Taping (McConnell technique)