JEOPARDY! Grade 11 Biology Test Review.


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Presentation transcript:

JEOPARDY! Grade 11 Biology Test Review

F U N G U S $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Each heading is Word Art. To edit the headings, double-click on each heading and type the text you need. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

A tangled network formed from branched hyphae. $100 A tangled network formed from branched hyphae.

$100 Mycelium.

A lichen is composed of which two organisms? $200 A lichen is composed of which two organisms?

$200 A fungus and an alga.

Fungi that live in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. $300 Fungi that live in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots.

$300 Mycorrhizae.

$400 Organisms that live in or on the body of another organism and cause harm.

$400 Parasites.

The cell wall of most fungi is composed of this. $500 The cell wall of most fungi is composed of this.

$500 Chitin.

Under good conditions, yeast cells reproduce asexually by ? $100 Under good conditions, yeast cells reproduce asexually by ?

$100 Budding.

A single thin filament composed of a large number of fungal cells. $200 A single thin filament composed of a large number of fungal cells.

$200 Hypha.

All fungi feed by this process. $300 All fungi feed by this process.

$300 Absorption.

The reproductive structure of a mushroom. $400 The reproductive structure of a mushroom.

$400 Fruiting body.

$500 The phylum of fungi that have never been observed to undergo sexual reproduction.

$500 Deuteromycota.

Penicillium belongs to this phylum. $100 Penicillium belongs to this phylum.

$100 Deuteromycota.

The scientific name for bread mold. $200 The scientific name for bread mold.

$200 Rhizopus.

The numerous, thin tissues found beneath a mushroom cap. $300 The numerous, thin tissues found beneath a mushroom cap.

$300 Gills.

Organisms that absorb their food from dead or decaying matter. $400 Organisms that absorb their food from dead or decaying matter.

$400 Saprobes.

$500 The gill surfaces of mushrooms are lined with reproductive cells called ?

$500 Basidia.

Fungi reproduce by the production of ? $100 Fungi reproduce by the production of ?

$100 Spores.

Strep throat in humans is caused by a fungal parasite: $200 Strep throat in humans is caused by a fungal parasite: true or false?

$200 False.

The poisoning caused by a fungus growing on rye grain. $300 The poisoning caused by a fungus growing on rye grain.

$300 Ergot poisoning.

In terms of evolutionary relationships, fungi are closest to ? $400 In terms of evolutionary relationships, fungi are closest to ?

$400 Animals.

For centuries fungi were thought to be members of this Kingdom. $500 For centuries fungi were thought to be members of this Kingdom.

$500 Plantae.

$100 Potato blight resulted in the death or emigration of thousands of people from this country.

$100 Ireland.

We use it to make wine, beer, and bread. $200 We use it to make wine, beer, and bread.

$200 Yeast.

Lichens are least tolerant of air pollution: $300 Lichens are least tolerant of air pollution: true or false?

$300 True.

Name 3 methods of spore dispersal in fungi. $400 Name 3 methods of spore dispersal in fungi.

Gravity and air currents $400 Gravity and air currents Rainwater Animals Projectile dispersal

All fungi can reproduce sexually: $500 All fungi can reproduce sexually: true or false?

$500 False.


$100 Lichen growing on twig.


$200 Annulus.


$300 Yeast budding.


Arthrobotrys capturing a nematode. $400 Arthrobotrys capturing a nematode.


$500 Zygospore formation.