Look at the Earth and find the countries.


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1 World Regions. 1 Southeast Asia 2 World Regions.
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Presentation transcript:

Look at the Earth and find the countries. Google Earth Look at the Earth and find the countries.

封面 What’s NEWS ?

What’s NEWS? north east west 先介紹東西南北 south

Taiwan Where’s Taichung? Where’s Taipei? Where’s Kaoshiung? Hualien 介紹所在ㄉ台灣 &練習句子 Kaoshiung Where’s Taichung? It’s in the west of Taiwan. It’s in the east of Taiwan. It’s in the north of Taiwan. Where’s Taipei? Where’s Kaoshiung? It’s in the south of Taiwan. Where’s Hualien?

Europe Asia North America Africa South America Taiwan Australia/Oceania Japan the USA the UK Thailand Egypt France Brazil Australia

It lies to the _____ of Thailand. It lies to the _____of the USA. Where’s Taiwan? It lies to the _____ of Thailand. north It lies to the _____of the USA. east It lies to the _____ of Japan. south

It lies to the of Australia. Where’s Egypt? It lies to the of Australia. north It lies to the of Brazil. east It lies to the of Taiwan. west It lies to the of the UK. south

It lies to the _____ of Australia. It lies to the _____ of France. Where’s Japan? It lies to the _____ of Australia. north It lies to the _____ of France. east It lies to the _____ of America. east

W E 360o÷24=15o Brazil: W45° Japan: E135° the UK Greenwich 0o 由於地球是由西向東自轉,因此地球上不同經度的地區,見到太陽的順序會有所不同,也就造成了時間的差異,簡稱時差。 0o Brazil: W45° Japan: E135° 360o÷24=15o

0:00 the UK 8:00~10:00 the USA Japan 16:00~19:00 France 8:00 0:00 7:00 2 16:00~19:00 France 8 7 3 8:00 5 0:00 7:00 Taiwan Brazil Egypt 4 Thailand 9 2:00 19:00~21:00 Australia 6 7:00~10:00 0o 30oW 15oW 15oE 30o 45o 60o 75o 90o 105o 120o 135o 150o 165o 180o 165oW 150o 135o 120o 105o 90o 75o 60o 45o 30oW

Now It’s 8 o’clock in Taiwan. What time is it in Thailand? It is 7 o’clock in Thailand.

Now It’s 8 o’clock in Taiwan. What time is it in Japan? It is 9 o’clock in Japan.

Now It’s 5 o’clock in Egypt. What time is it in France? It is 3 o’clock in France.

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East, West, South and North What time do you get up? (x2) My family and I get up at five. Why at five? (x2) Because we need a lot of time. Our home is in the ________ of the city. My school is in the ________ of the city. Dad’s bank is in the _______ of the city. Mom’s store is in the ______ of the city. South, north, east and west! That is why we get up at five. south north east west