Aim: How do you construct a proper physics graph? Graphing in Physics Aim: How do you construct a proper physics graph?
Typical Graphs Seen in Physics Direct Relationship Constant Slope As x increases, y increases in a direct proportion
Typical Graphs Seen in Physics Exponential Relationship Increasing Slope As x increases, y increases exponentially
Typical Graphs Seen in Physics Inverse Relationship Decreasing Slope As x increases, y decreases
Graphing Steps ORAGNIZE your data in a table Draw and label the AXES with APPROPRIATE UNITS & give your graph a TITLE Choose an appropriate scale for your axes that start from ZERO – NO BREAKS! Carefully PLOT your points DETERMINE the relationship… Does it look like a Direct/Exponential/Inverse relationship? Depending on the points, draw a BEST-FIT LINE or CURVE that starts from the origin If it’s a DIRECT relationship, CALCULATE the SLOPE of the line on the graph itself (WITH UNITS) If it looks like an Exponential relationship, DO NOT calculate the slope
Calculating the Slope of a Line Choose two points on your BEST FIT LINE (BFL) NOT the actual DATA POINTS Make sure they are as FAR APART as possible Use the slope formula
Graphing Tips When asked to plot “This” vs. “That”… “This” is on the y-Axis “That” is on the x-Axis NEVER connect the dots Use a ruler or straight edge when drawing a BFL
Distance(miles) Time (hr) 3.2 1 4.2 2 7 3 7.8 4 13 5 14 6 15.8 21.6 8 23.4 9 26 10
Distance(miles) Time (hr) 3.2 1 4.2 2 7 3 7.8 4 13 5 14 6 15.8 21.6 8 23.4 9 26 10
Distance (miles) Time (hr) 3.2 1 4.2 2 7 3 7.8 4 13 5 14 6 15.8 21.6 8 23.4 9 26 10
Distance(miles) Time (hr) 3.2 1 4.2 2 7 3 7.8 4 13 5 14 6 15.8 21.6 8 23.4 9 26 10
Distance(miles) Time (hr) 3.2 1 4.2 2 7 3 7.8 4 13 5 14 6 15.8 21.6 8 23.4 9 26 10 x2 = 8 y2 = 20 x1 = 2 y1 = 5
SUMMARY Describe the three types of graphs you will come across in physics What is the slope formula? List some things must you consider when calculating the slope of a BFL? What does it mean to graph “This” vs. “That”?