Stories From the Beginning of Time Myths Stories From the Beginning of Time
What is a myth? An ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, and heroes. It explains the view of a group of people
Which cultures have myths? Every culture has its own mythology Universal symbols and themes appear in different cultures’ myths Greek, Roman, Native American, Celtic, South American, African, and Norse mythology are examples of myths from different cultures
What are some characteristics of myths? Contain heroes and heroines Supernatural elements Gods and goddesses Explains a natural phenomenon Told orally (spoken)
More Characteristics of Myths Myths teach a lesson or explain the natural world Myths have many gods and goddesses The gods and goddesses are super-human The gods and goddesses have human emotions Myths contain magic Gods and goddesses often appear in disguises Good is rewarded and Evil is punished
Why did ancient people tell myths? To help explain the unexplainable To explain natural phenomenon To tell about their heroes To explain human nature To teach morals and values
Why do we still study mythology? To learn about ancient cultures As inspiration for the arts To teach values and morals For entertainment
The word mythology is Greek in origin (etymology) Muthos= story Logo= speech or argument
Gods and Goddesses in Classical Mythology Greek Zeus Apollo Hades Poseidon Hera Athena Demeter Persephone Roman Area of Power Jupiter King of the gods; the sky Apollo The sun; music Pluto King of the underworld Neptune Ruler of the seas Juno Wife of Zeus; marriage Minerva Wisdom Ceres Agriculture; earth Proserpine Goddess of the underworld; Demeter’s daughter
Creatures in Classical Mythology Centaur Medusa Pegasus Nymph Sphinx