An experiment in teaching translation technologies Anthony Pym
Your mission, should you decide to accept 1. Open Google Translator Toolkit (GTT) 2. Upload TEXT A Acne. 3. In GTT, select the language you want to translate into.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 4. In GTT, open the Tools arrow, create a Translation Memory for yourself and select it: In the left menu, click the Tools arrow. Click Translation Memories. Click Upload. Skip "Select a file." Under "Translation memory name," enter a name. Go to "Sharing." Click "Not shared with everyone." Click Add TM. Click OK. MAKE SURE YOU SELECT “NOT SHARED WITH ANYONE” AS A PROPERTY OF YOUR TM. (You can also do this in the translation space by selecting, on the left, File / Properties / Create a TM. ) 5. Do not select a vendor for this translation.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 6a. IF YOU ARE IN GROUP A: Go to the top right wheel, select Settings, then Editing, then “Pre-fill with source text instead of machine translation” and “Automatically open toolkit: NO”. 6b. IF YOU ARE IN GROUP B: Go to the top right wheel, select Settings, then Editing, then “Pre-fill with machine translation instead of source text” and “Automatically open toolkit: YES”.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 6a. IF YOU ARE IN GROUP A: Go to the top right wheel, select Settings, then Editing, then “Pre-fill with source text instead of machine translation” and “Automatically open toolkit: NO”. 6b. IF YOU ARE IN GROUP B: Go to the top right wheel, select Settings, then Editing, then “Pre-fill with machine translation instead of source text” and “Automatically open toolkit: YES”.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 7. Open your document, wait for it to be segmented. 8. Begin translating. Click the forward arrow (>) to move to the next segment. 9. Translate the text carefully, for publication. 10. When you have finished your translation, select Complete on the top-right, then File / Download. Save your translation on your computer. 11. Exchange translations with a partner in the other group (A or B) and revise the translations using Track Changes.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 7. Open your document, wait for it to be segmented. 8. Begin translating. Click the forward arrow (>) to move to the next segment. 9. Translate the text carefully, for publication. 10. When you have finished your translation, select Complete on the top-right, then File / Download. Save your translation on your computer. 11. Exchange translations with a partner in the other group (A or B) and revise the translations using Track Changes.
Your mission, should you decide to accept 12. Please upload: 1) your revised translation (showing Track Changes), 2) the total time it took, and 3) very brief answers to the following: FOR GROUP A: How did segmentation affect your translator style? Were you comfortable with it? FOR GROUP B: How did postediting affect your translator style? Were you comfortable with it? Do you think it helped you translate faster?
Pedagogical problems: Guilt, loneliness and despair… Pure boredom.
Pedagogical problems: Extreme differences in prior skills. How to maintain Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky)?
Pedagogical problems: Different starting levels imply different degrees of accomplishment. So how to assess this?
Pedagogical problems: Can this be taught online?
Ten skills to develop: Learn to learn Ability to reduce learning curves (i.e., learn fast) by locating and processing online resources; Ability to evaluate the suitability of a tool in relation to technical needs and price; Ability to work with peers on the solution of learning problems; Ability to evaluate critically the work process with the tool.
Skills to develop: 2. Learn to trust and mistrust data Ability to check details of proposed matches in accordance with knowledge of provenance and/or the corresponding rates of pay (“discounts”). Ability to focus cognitive load on cost-beneficial matches. Ability to check data in accordance with the translation instructions.
Skills to develop: 3. Learn to revise the products of technologies Ability to detect and correct suprasentential errors, particularly those concerning punctuation and cohesion; Ability to conduct substantial stylistic revising in a post-draft phase (and hopefully to get paid for it!); Ability to revise and review in teams, alongside fellow professionals and area experts, in accordance with the level of quality required.