How to say Sauk Part 2 A guide to the basic sounds of Sauk. Created by Gillian Gallagher, July 2007.
This is a guide to pronouncing the basic sounds of Sauk. It is divided into the following parts: The endings: ha, wa, wi Other sounds: ch, m, n, th, sh, w, shk, shkw, shw
The spelling of Sauk words and their English translations in this guide are taken from A Concise Dictionary of the Sauk Dictionary by Gordon Whittaker (2005).
Sounds at the end of words: ha, wa, wi
Words in Sauk often end in ha, wa, or wi, but these sounds are not always pronounced. The following slides give examples of words ending in ha, wa, and wi. The most common way to pronounce words with these endings is to lengthen the vowel preceding the ending, so “êha” sounds something like an extra long “ê”.
Words ending in “êha” shkwêthêha girl kwîyethêha boy wâkoshêha fox nemêthêha fish meshwêha rabbit
Words ending in “ôha” kâshôha cat anemôha dog
Words ending in “âwi” wîpekwâwi it’s blue athâwâwi it’s yellow/orange meshkwâwi it’s red
Words ending in “êwa” penehâkwâwêwa she’s combing his hair hanwêkomêwa he snores nepêwa he sleeps pemôthêwa he walks
Words ending in îwa and iwa panenîwa he laughs tohkîwa he wakes up manâtethiwa he is rich têpethiwa he is happy ketiwa eagle
Words ending in ôwa and owa kehchipenôwa he runs fast ahtôwa he has kehtôwa he asks menowa he drinks
Other consonants ch, m, n, th, sh, w
The next slides will show some remaining sounds in Sauk (ch, m, n, th, sh, w), and some sequences of sounds that Sauk uses a lot (shk, shkw, shw, kw).
ch mîchîwa he eats it châki all chîtâpina sit down kenâchi be careful
m mîchîwa he eats menowa he drinks manâtethiwa he is rich meshkwâwi it is red
n nepêwa he sleeps nemêtha fish nenothwa cow nîshwi two
th têpethiwa he is happy thîthepâkwi sugar athâwâwi it’s yellow orange manâtethiwa he is rich
sh âshitami in turn kâshôha cat wâkoshêha fox netonamâshiha monkey
w wâkoshêha fox wâpatamwa he reads it wîpekwaki blue athâwâwi it’s yellow
shk eshkipakakethiwa he is green meshkwâwi it is red
shkw shkwêthêha girl meshkwâwi it is red wîshkwêkati loud
shw meshwêha rabbit nîshwi two
kw wîpekwaki blue âmehkwani spoon takwahâni cereal thîthepâkwi sugar
The End of Part 2.