General Practice of Social Work
Review In 1889, Jane Addams opened Hull House in Chicago Any question about the video on the Brief History of American Social Work? Five Key National Insurances in Korea (한국의 5대 보험 도입 역사): National Industrial Compensation Insurance : 산재보험 (1964) National Health Insurance: 건강보험(1977) National Pension: 국민연금 (1988) National Unemployment Insurance: 고용보험 (1995) National Long-Term Care Insurance: 노인장기요양보험 (2008)
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Overview (In)direct practice Case work Group work Community work
Social Work Approaches (Intervention Methods) Direct Approach (실천적 접근)-Social Work Practice: An art, a science, a profession that helps people solve personal (Case Work), group (Group Work), and community problems (Community Work) Indirect Approach (정책적 접근)-Community work, Social Work Administration, Policy, & Research Depending on unit of target clients: Micro – Case work, Group work Mezzo- Community work Macro- Social Policy
Direct Practice Interventions Case work Group work Community work
Case Work: 개별사회사업 Case work is a process used by social workers to help individuals (including families) to cope more effectively with their problems in social functioning. A face-to-face helping process Recognizes both internal psychological and external social causes of dysfunctioning Seeks to enable the individual to meet client’s needs Seeks to function more adequately in client’s social relationship
Case Work Seen as a psychosocial intervention Utilize psychological theories to understand personality traits (internal factors) as part of the intervention plans to help clients Use sociological theories to understand the environmental or external factors
Examples on case work?
Group Work The problem-solving process is carried out not only between the client and the social worker but also together with others who are in the same difficulties. Group members should be beneficial from each other. It is important to understand group dynamics. -
Examples on group work?
Intervention Process of Case Work and Group Work Preparation stage Referral/Recruitment process Intake stage Needs assessment Intervention planning Implementation of intervention Evaluation and termination
Elements of Professional Relationship Individualization (개별화) Purposive expression of feeling (의도적 감정표현) Controlled emotional response to the client (통제된 정서적 관여) Acceptance (수용) of the real Non-judgemental attitude toward the client(비심판적 태도) Self-determination (자기결정권) of the client Confidentiality
What is a community?
Definitions of community A geographical space, a geopolitical or civic entity, & a place of emotional identity (Cohen, 1985) Fellin’s (2001) definition: social units with one or mo re of the following three dimensions A functional spatial unit meeting sustenance needs A unit of patterned interaction A symbolic unit of collective identification Common elements in the definition of community are geographic area, social interaction, and common ties. How about length of stay, drifters, settlers, relocators, & natives Place- bounded location vs nonplace-bounded interests Social planning vs Social action
Mapping My Communities Associations of Social workers Local agencies/ organizations for older adults Virtual community/ KaKao talk Face book Washington Univ. GBW school Alumni associations NASW/SSWR GSA/SASW APHA/CSWE Dongguk Univ Gangneung In Korea
Try to map your communities
Community Work Social workers are mainly interested in changing the environment of community. The application of practice skills to alter the behavioral patterns of community entities Also interested in organizing community resources. Considered as (in)direct practice depending on the nature of problems The client unit is the community instead of an individual or a small group. Social workers mobilize the community by working with key volunteers in the community to resolve community issues/problems. Volunteers play a key role while social worker play the roles of guide, catalyst or facilitator
Objectives of Community Work (Well & Gamble 1995) Develop the organizing skills and abilities of individuals and groups Make social planning more accessible and inclusive in a community Connect social & economic involvement to grassroots community groups Advocate for broad coalitions in solving community problems Infuse the social planning process with a concern for social justice Community practice model’s main domains addressed by Well & Gamble in 1995
Examples on community work?