Professional Portfolios: Aligning with Standards


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Presentation transcript:

Professional Portfolios: Aligning with Standards Jie Tian George Mason University Fairfax, VA TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 Our session today: Theoretical framework What is a professional portfolio? What are essential aspects for creating your professional portfolio? What are other colleagues doing in the creation of their professional portfolio? TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework - Portfolios Current legislation (NCLB) and education organizations (NCATE) have called for professional development that ensures highly qualified teachers. Literature has identified various purposes for portfolio implementation in teacher education programs. Assessment tools, evidence of learning and documentation of directed reflection (Fox,1999; Fox, White, Kidd, & Ritchie 2008; Hammadou, 1998) TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Theoretical Framework – Reflective Practice An essential element in supporting the growth and development of teachers (Liston & Zeichner, 1990; Schön, 1963, 1987) Even highly experienced teachers may require specific experiences such as critical conversations and collaborative inquiry in a supportive environment to move beyond descriptive thought and writing (Lyons, 1998; Ross, 2002). TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Theoretical Framework – Intercultural Competence The development of intercultural skills, attitudes and knowledge has started to become a significant issue in language teacher education (Sercu, 2005). Portfolios make visible the personal and social learning relevant for the goals of intercultural competence in language teacher education (Kohonen, 2000). The intercultural interaction in the process of portfolio development is a space of rich exchange and thus offers cognitive space for people to learn and reflect (Fox, 2010) TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Professional Portfolio? What is a Professional Portfolio?

The Professional Portfolio Program Level Performance-based Assessment Time Sequence – created over program Formative/Developmental - showing growth & development over program Summative/Completion - synthesizing evidence Must include critical reflective elements targeted written and synthesis reflections oral synthesizing reflection Evidence of Candidate’s Knowledge, Teaching, and Alignment with Standards Presentation Portfolio – May also be used as job interview tool or as professional evidence for departmental leadership or making a professional change TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

What is the Professional Portfolio? Definition: A performance-based document that is aligned with professional Standards and consisting of a collection of carefully selected materials, examples, and reflections, assembled over time, that provides an evidence-based record of a teacher, or teacher candidate’s, knowledge of content and pedagogy, skills, professional growth, teaching practice, and leadership skills. (R. K. Fox, 1999, 2005, 2009) TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Purpose of Creating Your Professional WL Portfolio To provide concrete evidence of content knowledge and teaching practice; To provide the teacher candidate opportunities to synthesize material and reflect both formatively and summatively on professional practice and K-12 students’ learning; To help connect the teacher candidate’s work to published national standards (i.e., ACTFL NCATE, the 5 Cs) To help teacher education institutions determine (as one of several factors) a candidate’s successful completion of a licensure or degree program. TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Context of Your WL Portfolio National/State/Regional Alignment with Standards Contents align with national standards, such as ACTFL, or other published Standards at all levels University/College Alignment Rationale for program inclusion include the both institution’s and the program’s mission and goals School Division Connections Allows teachers to demonstrate qualifications sought by schools & enables licensing program to examine to what extent its content prepares candidates Each Candidate’s unique characteristics TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Professional Portfolios? What are the Essential Elements For Creating YOUR Professional Portfolios?

Alignment with the ACTFL/NCATE Standards The 6 Standards for FL Teacher Education Programs I. Language, Linguistics, Comparisons II. Cultures, Literatures, Cross-Disciplinary Concepts III. Language Acquisition Theories & Instructional Practices IV. Integration of Standards into Curriculum & Instruction V. Assessment of Language and Cultures VI. Professionalism TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 Suggested Organization (Table of Contents) of 7 Sections – Additional Focus on Technology I. Language, Linguistics, Comparisons II. Cultures, Literatures, Cross-Disciplinary Concepts III. Language Acquisition Theories, Instruction IV. Integration of Standards into Curriculum & Instruction V. Assessment Practices/Impact on Student Learning VI. Technology VII. Professionalism TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Reflection is Essential Current research in education strongly suggests that the most effective teachers take a deeply reflective approach to their work. Portfolio reflections make visible teachers’ understanding of the standards Portfolio reflections provide a window into teachers’ beliefs and connections to classroom practice Serves to connect Knowledge, Skills, & Dispositions making connections to classroom practice more visible TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 Process is Essential Know the purpose and process for Portfolio Development Understand that for the richest and most meaningful experience, the portfolio contents and reflections should be assembled over time and not “pulled together at the end” Consider your growth and development over time What have you learned and how does this relate to your achievement of the ACTFL NCATE Standards and to your classroom practice? Cognitive Space Process helps you engage in your own learning , see your change, and make that visible to others Faculty can see your growth and the results of coursework on your thinking TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Reflection is at the Core of Your Portfolio At the start of each section of your Portfolio Teacher’s Connections to the Standards Provide insight into your beliefs Reflective Journal Reflections after teaching Philosophy Statement TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Let’s Begin your Philosophy Statement For 3 minutes, jot down the main ideas or beliefs that jump into your mind about what is important to you --- Your role as a WL teacher What you believe about WL learners The role of reflection in your practice Advocacy Share with the Group TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 Digital Portfolios Web-based or non-web-based examples (googlesite, wiki , etc.) Benefits of E-Portfolios Getting closer to their students – “the digital natives” Easy to include the technology-supported lesson plans and course materials Showing their personality and individuality Easy to share and send – easy accessibility Easy to update and change TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 A Few Examples “The rainbow background of my portfolio shows my teaching philosophy and me as a teacher: flexible, joyful, and creative” TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 “The use of pictures shows that I’m not too serious. Many people thought I looked serious. … It also shows I’m professional, using simple colors and consistent background and making it error-free” TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 “I’m proud of myself. I’m hi-tech, collecting all the technology-rich materials and using the technological tools. I got to know more about my potential” TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

What are other colleagues doing in the creation of their professional portfolio?

International Work and Inter-cultural Communication After our international teachers from Russia, China, Taiwan, and Greece have spent time (~four – six weeks) at George Mason and in surrounding school divisions, we have been using technology to extend our work upon their return to their home countries. Specifically, we have explored and engaged in some very successful applications of technology over the past year to keep these working communities of international and US teachers in touch with one another as they complete portfolios, engage in action research, and collaborate on inquiry in their classrooms. TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Portfolios may be adapted to reflect different contexts Examples from Taiwan teachers Artifacts included that bore Chinese cultural features in their portfolios The reflections served as a connection for the previously disconnected pieces and made them more meaningful Examples of their teaching TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

U.S – Taiwan Teacher Professional Development Program Summer 2010 TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Portfolios may be adapted to reflect different contexts Examples from Greek and Russian Teachers Action research studies Philosophy statements and Reflections TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 U.S. – Russia Teacher Professional Development 20 Teachers from Vladivostok TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 Portfolio Portal TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Russian Teacher’s Portfolio Example 1 TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Russian Teacher’s Portfolio Example 2 TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

U.S. – Greece Teacher Professional Development Program – 2010-11 TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011 TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Process, Presentation, & Evaluation (1) Formative and Summative processes Portfolio compiled over the entire program, not just at the end Should include both required and selected artifacts and reflections Sharing & Presentation: essential component of the creation and synthesizing process Mid-program sharing to peers Formal Synthesizing Presentation TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Process, Presentation, & Evaluation (2) The ACTFL NCATE standards began to take on deeper understanding and served as an anchor point. The Standards as the core of the Portfolio served to provide a connection between coursework and classroom practice The Standards were also a springboard to consider areas for future professional development. Evaluation of the portfolio should measure the degree to which program candidates have met the ACTFL NCATE Standards TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

True learning is an active journey, not a static entity. Calling all digital natives and digital immigrants to portfolio creation, Here is an Ending Thought . . . True learning is an active journey, not a static entity. Jie Tian TW Tchr Prof Dev Prog, Sum 2011

Thank you ! Questions?