KAT Centre ‘Humane Management of Street Dogs for Community Benefit’ KAT Centre Office Located in Chapaligaon
Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal The population is 1.2 million people… and 22,500 street dogs.
The Aims of KAT How? Reduce animal suffering. Protect the human population. How? Animal Birth Control (ABC) program: sterilization and rabies vaccinations Rescue & Treatment program: for sick and injured street dogs and cats Public Education program: for adults and children
Here I am at the KAT Centre! (You can add more text here or delete this)
Going Home!
I’m taking care of the rescued street dogs at KAT (You can add more text here or delete this)
KAT’s Rescue and Treatment Program KAT Mascot ‘Mango’ KAT Centre Office Located in Chapaligaon ‘Mango’ when first found. Being treated. After treatment.
Me with the “in-house” dogs – KAT’s long-term residents (You can add more text here or delete this)
Volunteers Have an Essential Role Educating students at a local school Selling t-shirts on World Animal Day
Volunteers Have an Essential Role Talking to people and raising awareness at public events
Helping the staff with the daily animal care (You can add more text here or delete this)
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Together, let’s create a city where cruelty against animals is eliminated. You can help!
www.KATCentre.org.np KATinfo@KATCentre.org.np Thank you ! www.KATCentre.org.np KATinfo@KATCentre.org.np