City Auditor Carlos L. Holt, CPA, CFF, CFE. CIA, CGAP A Key to Quality Government
Audit What is an Audit? A formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts or financial situation A methodical examination and review *Merriam-Webster 10/5/2015
Framework Who Does the City Auditor Work for? Public, Community, City Commission What does the City Auditor do? Perform: financial and performance audits; attestations; non-audit services (investigations, research, analysis) What is the total size of the staff: 5 10/5/2015
Framework Continued Ethical Principles General Standards: Public Interest, Integrity, Objectivity, Proper Use of information and Position, Professional Behavior General Standards: Independence – fact and appearance Professional Judgment – reasonable care and skepticism Competence – skills, education, experience, technical knowledge, CPE Quality Control & Assurance – CPE, peer review 10/5/2015
Recent Audit Report 10/5/2015
Reaction 10/5/2015
Questions? Telephone: (352) 334 – 5020 Website: 10/5/2015