SMACC Tenth report [15 min] 13/09/2013 Jean-Philippe Tock (TE-MSC) On behalf of the SMACC project
Activities since last LSC (30/08/2013) By Activities By sectors SIT DFBA Dashboards Brief ElQC update Activities for the next 2 weeks Conclusions
SMACC Main activities for the next 2 weeks Sector 56 : Work on non-conformities Sector 67 Installation of insulation boxes and injection Rewelding of M sleeves Leak test of M lines Reclosure of interconnections DFBA consolidation Sector 78 Desoldering and resoldering of splices Installation of shunts Sector 81 ElQC of existing splices Other sectors: S12: Opening of M lines S23: Opening of interconnections and installation of DN200 S12, 23, 34 & 45 : Reconnection of replacing magnets Advanced opening for outliers and CSCM segments Inspection of connection cryostats From last LSC (30.08.2013) On-going, 52 ICs reclosed, leak test of beam lines completed succesfully In progress, critical activity In progress, > 1/3 of sector rewelded Jeune Genevois … Started, 2/14 vac subsectors validated Started, 14 ICs reclosed On-going Desoldering completed, starting in 81 On-going, > 1/3 of the sector equipped On-going On-going, > ¼ completed, see further > 80% open, DN200 installation completed Good progress On-going
SMACC Progress report by activity Opened interconnections in 8 sectors, > 6 sectors-eq are opened Back on schedule
SMACC Progress report by activity M line cutting : > 4.5 sectors equivalent (S12 well advanced) Replacing team leader at CERN since beginning of August Courtesy JM Hubert
SMACC Progress report by activity Desoldering : Completed in S56 & 67 & 78 Resoldering completed in S56 & 67 & at 75 % in S78 59 Desoldering: Nominal was 53/week; Now we need 95/week Increasing is seen (Effect of new staff and tooling) W36 included Jeune Genevois W37 not completed (preliminary: 85) Resoldering : Improving, not yet there 1 person of the team prepares intervention on overheated cable in 56 with a staff Courtesy H Prin
SMACC Progress report by activity Shunts are installed in > 2 sectors-eq. 50 ICs behind schedule (About one week at nominal rate) Delay effect of the reinforcement of resoldering teams Non-consecutive interconnections About 8 000 shunts installed (30% of the LHC) «Last 10% effect» in 2 sectors
SMACC Progress report by activity Installation of insulation box: Good progess in 67 ( 50 %) 2 phases : Minimum required: 45 ICs/ week (9 per day) Installation (time consuming, continuous) & Injection (By batch of ≈ 15 ICs) Installation completed in 56 and 55 % of 67 Injection completed in 56 and 45 % of 67 : Inject every 2 days by batch of 15 (37.5/wk) Bottleneck is still the installation of the electrical insulation Work sequence is optimised Resources are redirected 2 FSUs and 3 COAS (PAEC) in October THE critical activity Courtesy H Prin / M Duret
SMACC Progress report by activity Quadrupole diodes > 5 sectors are opened / 2 sectors are almost consolidated (1 diode to be exchanged because of too high internal resistance) Globally almost on schedule BUT One diode has to be replaced because of too high diode to heatsink resistance (Q31R6) Some components were delivered, allowing to barely complete S67; some pieces have to be reworked at CERN Not critical YET Alternative supply still under investigation to check that it can meet the requirement OK for the material certificate, price to be renegotiated, manufacturing method still to be confirmed (Delivery time of at least 2 months) Courtesy L Grand-Clement / F Savary
SMACC Progress report by activity M Welding : 290 ICs welded, ≈ 1.35 sec-eq: Reduced team, extrapolating: nominal rates seem achievable Limited by release rate, not by the team capacity (Presently 30/week) In-line with forecast of last LSC Delay wrt baseline Required rate to end according to baseline : 45 IC/week Team sized for 53-60 Margin for the «last 10%» has been eaten Situation to be monitored for a possible reaction in October. Courtesy S Atieh
SMACC Progress report by activity M sleeves leak testing : All possible subsectors (200 ICs) are leak tested All possible subsectors of S56 (11/14) are released and leak tested Starts in S67 : 3 subsectors released. 2 are leak tested In-line with forecast of last LSC Delay wrt baseline Required rate to end according to baseline : 3.1 subsec/week Foreseen for 3-3.5 subsec/week Margin for the «last 10%» has been eaten Situation to be monitored for a possible reaction Courtesy P Cruikshank / L Mourier
SMACC Progress report by activity Reclosure of interconnections : On-going in 67 (priority) and 56, 52 ICs are reclosed in 56 and 14 in 67 Stopped in 56 during beam lines leak test; contraint relaxed this week by VSC S56 will be delayed (Overheated cable, DFBAK bellows)
SMACC Progress report by activity Final leak test: 1st one STARTED 16 consecutive interconnections closed in 56 Final leak test started Results in 2 weeks, on schedule
SMACC Progress report by sector Main activities are on non-conformities Was temporarily stopped for beam lines leak testing Reclosure as a an activity to smooth work load (priority given to S67) Repair of overheated cable will start next week, with a completion by end of October One PIM to be exchanged for protruding RF fingers (QQBI.29R5): Re-rewelding capability will be limited – specific procedure (was consolidated in 2009)
SMACC Progress report by sector All non-problematic ICs are shunted Main activities are installation of insulation system and welding of M lines Leak test of M lines is on-going (2/14 subsectors validated) Reclosure started
SMACC Progress report by sector Main activities are: desoldering of splices (just completed), resoldering of splices, installation of shunts and related QC/QA
SMACC Progress report SIT 2 cryomagnets are reconnected, the other ones are under reconnection and it has started for Q5L8 Standard reconnection will be done by the train when it will arrive PIMs: Rewelded in 6 sectors, 2nd RF ball test done successfully in S56 (Only one more to change in 56) 2 Y-line leaks are repaired and validated, only the closure of IC remains, by the train, end of 2013 To start : Interventions on SAM (Tooling under checking in workshop) and IT Courtesy N Bourcey, S Le Naour
SMACC Progress report DFBA M Bellows: See report by L Tavian Splices consolidation has restarted at a good rate, with reinforced team Courtesy TE-CRG, TE-MSC and EN-MME
SMACC Dashboards
SMACC Dashboards Opening is back ahead of schedule despite closure of interconnections Shunting starts to improve with reinforcement and optimisation of critical activities Welding: Limited by release rate, confident that nominal rate can be achieved, margin has been eaten up M leak test : Limited by release rate, confident that nominal rate can be achieved, margin has been eaten up ReClosure: started ahead of schedule, now in S67 Final leak test started (Results in 2 weeks)
SMACC Dashboards Will be completed by beginnig of November Baseline: 26.1 % (22.3 %) Completed: 23.0 % (20.0 %) Delay 10 (9) days Baseline: 47.0 % (41.1 %) Completed: 33.0 % (29.7 %) Delay 27 (17) days Baseline: 42.9 % (35.7 %) Completed: 23.0 % (22.3 %) Delay 41 (36) days Baseline: 100 % (100 %) Completed: 82.4 % (72 %) Delay 64 (52) days Will be completed by beginnig of November
SMACC Dashboards Progress: Baseline: 31.8% (27.2 %) Completed: 25.6% (22.4 %) Delay 18 (15) days
The impact of the summer period on the planning was 3 weeks SMACC Summary on progress Main 13 kA Splices: Started a week in advance, now 2 weeks delay (stable) Special Interventions: 27 days delay, non-conformities start to impact DFBA: > 1 month delay: should recover for end of the year Bellows issue could have a large impact DN200: ≈ 2 months delay: not critical SMACC: About 3 weeks (stable) The impact of the summer period on the planning was 3 weeks Can recover next year when resources are freed by finishing activities
Preliminary results of existing splices quality control (7.09.2013). SMACC ElQC Status Preliminary results of existing splices quality control (7.09.2013). Sector Sector 56 Sector 67 Sector 78 Sector 81 LHC Measured [%] 100 25 40 To redo [%] 28 32 29 31 30 30 % seems confirmed as more solid number Dedicated presentation in October with half of the LHC measured Courtesy C Scheuerlein, S Heck
SMACC Main activities for the next 2 weeks Sector 56 : Work on non-conformities including repair of overheated cable Reclosure (not in priority) Sector 67 (Priority sector) Installation of insulation boxes and injection Rewelding of M sleeves Leak test of M lines Reclosure of interconnections DFBA consolidation Sector 78 Complete resoldering of splices Installation of shunts Sector 81 ElQC of existing splices Start desoldering of splices Other sectors: S12: Complete opening of M lines S23: Opening of interconnections S12, 23, 34 & 45 : Reconnection of replacing magnets Advanced opening for outliers and CSCM segments Inspection of connection cryostats
Conclusions So far, not so bad … Issues: New activity: Start of final leak testing (The last one ) About to start to repair the overheated cable in 56 in-situ The ratio of 30 % of splices to redo seems confirmed for 40% of the LHC Reduced ElQA test frequency allows to cope with > 3 sectors in // Global delay of 3 weeks due to summer period and technical issues under solving ; difficut to recover this year Margin has been eaten up for some activities (M welding, M leak test) Issues: Reach nominal rate for arc splices consolidation (Ramp up with de/re soldering and optimise installation of insulation box) DFBA busbar bellows Components for diodes consolidation So far, not so bad …
SEQUENCE AND STATUS Availability of components Install DN200 ≈ 80% OK to open Open ICs Open M sleeves 8 sectors > 6 sectors ≈ 4.5 sectors Undo / Redo splices ELQC (new splices) ≈ 2.5 sectors ≈ 2.5 sectors ELQC (old splices) Machine Cu ELQC after Cu mach. > 3 sectors > 2 sectors ≈ 2 sectors Consolidate Q diodes Availability of components ≈ 1.7 sectors Install shunts ELQC after shunt Insulate splices Weld M Leak test M Close IC Final LT > 2 sectors > 2 sectors ≈ 1.7 sectors ≈ 1.3 sectors ≈ 1 sector ≈ 1/4 sector Started